Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sherrod Brown on Obama
From: "Sherrod Brown"
To: davidbenariel
Subject: Reply from Senator Sherrod Brown
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:17:52 -0500
Dear Mr. Ben-Ariel:
Thank you for contacting me regarding President Barack Obama.
President Obama has provided several news organizations with a copy of his birth certificate, showing he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Hawaii became a state in 1959, and all individuals born in Hawaii after its admission are considered natural-born United States citizens. In addition, the Hawaii State Health Department recently issued a public statement verifying the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate.
Thank you again for contacting me.
Sherrod Brown
Obama's Identity Theft & Terrorism
Obama, as acting president, has authority to open his suspiciously sealed records.
I seriously doubt the reason the fraud and foreigner FAILS to produce proof he is a natural born citizen - not just a citizen - is due to fears of identity theft. Obama appears to be engaged in the greatest identity theft right now as a president usurper. He has incriminated himself. Obviously he has something to hide and won't open up to us legitimate American citizens - "We The People" - and disclose his original birth certificate.
Shame on the useful idiots who aid and abet Obama's terrorism against US, against our Constitution, against our Republic. America is under a curse and Obama's African coup is further proof of it.
Demand proof Obama's a natural born citizen!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Vatican preys upon weak Jews
Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin exposed Shimon Peres as "an indefatigable subversive" in his autobiography. Many Israelis believe this is true but have done nothing to stop Shimon Peres dead in his tracks as he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off, undermining Jerusalem for the Germans and Jesuits and hoping to be king of the Jews, while the Israeli politicians, the Jewish leaders, remain compact with their conspiracy of silence to Rabin's blood that cries out for justice (the first victim of Europe's New Crusade).
13 "Behold, therefore, I beat My fists at the dishonest profit which you have made, and at the bloodshed which has been in your midst. 14 Can your heart endure, or can your hands remain strong, in the days when I shall deal with you? I, the LORD, have spoken, and will do it. 15 I will scatter you among the nations, disperse you throughout the countries, and remove your filthiness completely from you. 16 You shall defile yourself in the sight of the nations; then you shall know that I am the LORD.""
Justice demands the arrest of Shimon Peres and criminal company, and an internationally televised trial for his treason - everything from the accursed Oslo accords to his suspected part in the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.
Yitzhak Rabin was sacrificed by the Israeli oligarchy for their German-Jesuit masters intent on occupying Jerusalem and ripping the heart out of Israel.
The naive and wickedly ambitious, collaborators, make it so much easier for the Vatican to seal its plans for Jerusalem! Roman wolves in sheep's clothing preach peace and tolerance while waging war against the Jews and proving they're intolerant of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and are out to undermine it as "diplomatically" as they can: Jerusalem under siege with smiles, of course, and plenty of handshakes and gifts.
Psalms 28:3
Who speak peace to their neighbors,
But evil is in their hearts.
The wise learn from the Bible and history to beware Babylonian envoys:
2 Kings 20
12 At that time Berodach-Baladan the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah, for he heard that Hezekiah had been sick [why how nice of him! What could possibly be wrong with letters and a gift showing "compassion" for Hezekiah's ill state?] 13 And Hezekiah was attentive to them, and showed them all the house of his treasures—the silver and gold, the spices and precious ointment, and all his armory—all that was found among his treasures. There was nothing in his house or in all his dominion that Hezekiah did not show them.
14 Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah, and said to him, “What did these men say, and from where did they come to you?”
So Hezekiah said, “They came from a far country, from Babylon.”
15 And he said, “What have they seen in your house?”
So Hezekiah answered, “They have seen all that is in my house; there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shown them.”
16 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Hear the word of the LORD: 17 ‘Behold, the days are coming when all that is in your house, and what your fathers have accumulated until this day, shall be carried to Babylon; nothing shall be left,’ says the LORD. 18 ‘And they shall take away some of your sons who will descend from you, whom you will beget; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’”
Netanyahu cannot be trusted
CFR Netanyahu is all talk and no action when it comes to loving and preserving the Jewish homeland. He cannot be trusted! He's proven it. Bibi failed to make Oslo null and void, Bibi surrendered Hevron, and most wickedly - Bibi failed to open the Temple Mount to *Jewish worship as he said he would! Don't get chummy with Bibi because he'll stab Israel in the back! Go for Ketzaleh.
*Benjamin Netanyahu: "The right of the Jewish people to its holy place - the Temple Mount - cannot be questioned...I believe it is necessary to arrange for Jewish prayer on the site, especially given that we permit freedom of worship to all the religions in Jerusalem...". And his office charged Palestinian officials with "disparaging Jewish holy sites and threatening potential worshippers" (in flagrant violation of Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places and the Oslo Accords). His deputy director of communications, Michael Freund, responded to the PA mufti's declaration of war (that Jews "...must absolutely forget about having any rights over the Temple Mount...the Western Wall is just a fence belonging to a Muslim holy site") by saying "these statements are repugnant and they betray a contempt for Judaism's most sacred sites and beliefs. They are an affront to history and insulting to Jews everywhere."
Dangerous Ideas?
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Obama's Identity Theft & Terrorism
Obama's Identity Theft & Terrorism
Obama, as acting president, has authority to open his suspiciously sealed records.
I seriously doubt the reason the fraud and foreigner FAILS to produce proof he is a natural born citizen - not just a citizen - is due to fears of identity theft. Obama appears to be engaged in the greatest identity theft right now as a president usurper. He has incriminated himself. Obviously he has something to hide and won't open up to us legitimate American citizens - "We The People" - and disclose his original birth certificate.
Shame on the useful idiots who aid and abet Obama's terrorism against US, against our Constitution, against our Republic. America is under a curse and Obama's African coup is further proof of it.
Defund Egypt If It Won't Close Tunnels
January 28, 2009
Defund Egypt If It Won't Close Tunnels
by Jonathan Schanzer
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall by David Ben-Ariel
Mr. Ben-Ariel clearly has a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel. His Israeli lawyer has stated that David's "future is linked with that of the Jews," and Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful says, "God has some special task" for him. His sacred bond with the land and people of Israel has been strengthened over the years by his service as a volunteer on eight kibbutzim (collective farms) throughout the Holy Land, including during Operation Desert Storm. As a firm believer in the Israelite roots and responsibilities of the Anglo-Saxons and Northwestern European peoples, David works towards the ultimate reconciliation and restoration of Joseph with Judah. As a student of biblical prophecy, he is alarmed about Germany and the Vatican's increasing control of the European continent, remodeling it after the Holy Roman Empire. As the outspoken author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, he is determined to do all he can to help wake up the world to the clear and present danger Germany poses to world peace, with a special emphasis on the Middle East.
East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning
Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall by David Ben-Ariel
Beyond Babylon (free to read online)
Beyond Babylon
Monday, January 26, 2009
You deserve to know!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Germany hides behind Jews
The German-Jesuit EU hides behind Jewish shields and Roman wolves in sheep's clothing.
Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem
As the United States called upon Israel to become their virtual protectorate during Operation Desert Storm, the European Union will offer Israel guarantees of peace and security. Europe, not the overextended and highly inflated United States, will take out Iran.
The German-EU threat to Israel
Jerusalem Under Siege!
Dangerous German Ambitions
Speaking Terms

Speaking Terms
Now that the Main Stream Media has treated the world to a picture of Israel as out-of-control, inhumane, and indifferent to civilian casualties ...they'll be gearing up to cover the visit of President Obama's envoy to the area ...and the search for "peace". A good reason to revisit the Naive Newsman and his attempt to be accepted as a professional journalist.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Transcend sex and race
I am dissapointed in your views about Obama regarding him as a "gentile" with a white mother and a Black father. He is partly white and partly black. Does not the Jewish community recognize all those who comes out a Jewish mother's womb as Jewish? Does that not count for white mother's womb also?
Which apart of Obama is to be sent to Africa? His white part inwardly or his black part outwardly?
As a religious person admirer of H.W. Armstrong you should have known what apostle Paul stated in Col 3:11
"Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond [nor] free: but Christ [is] all, and in all." Is this not also inspired by same God of the Old Testament?
So Obama born from a white mother and being a Christian, what is he a black African?
Time to update your views.
Socram Selasor
You should be disappointed that you have trouble with the Word of God that reveals since Obama's father is a Gentile, he is a Gentile. Why insist he must be an Israelite? Are you a racist? ;-) Abraham was a Gentile! And he is the father of the faithful!
I'm a Christian-Zionist, not a follower of Judaism, although I know they go by the mother's side to determine RELIGION - not race.
Peter spoke of those who would twist Paul's words, and at best you've simply misunderstood them.
The same Paul who said "we're all equal now" (in so many words), forbid women preachers! He also acknowledged he is a Jew, from the Tribe of Benjamin, an Israelite.
Was Paul being hypocritical? NO! What Paul was teaching is that all of us - regardless of sex or race - share the same ultimate potential to be born again into the Kingdom-Family of God!
When we become Spirit-filled Christians, it is meant to change our hearts and minds in preparation for the Kingdom of God, not alter our sex or affect our race!
I encourage you to update your information so that it computes with the way God thinks (Isaiah 55:7-9).
David Ben-Ariel
None dare call it a coup
Obama's African Coup in America
How will the president usurper act when they come to take him away? When the Constitution is again upheld and the laws of this land he has shown contempt for enforced? The fraud and foreigner, the African Obama, aided and abetted by treacherous politicians, justices, and conservative cowards, has led a coup against the Constitution of the United States.
Usurper Obama's coup is a dark episode in our American history, a black day in America, but it will soon be history, as justice demands. If acting president Barack Hussein Obama is not a fraud and a foreigner, a usurper, let him prove he is a natural born citizen and settle this case once and for all. Otherwise he remains illegitimate and none of his decisions binding, but rendered null and void as unconstitutional.
Imagine the first presidential library where they refuse to show an original birth certificate but present a dubious copy or cheap certification! Obama's records in the United States and Kenya are SEALED. What's Obama hiding?
The Obama emperor has no clothes - and some of us won't let folks forget it! No justice, no peace. We'll cry aloud and spare not until the might of right prevails, so help us God.
Demand proof Obama's a natural born citizen!
The people "have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge-- I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers."
-- John Adams (1735-1826)
If Obama is the usurper he appears to be, America has a BIG PROBLEM - regardless of whether or not those who have been Obamatized grasp the seriousness of the situation or others (who amount to conservative cowards) are afraid to state the emperor has no clothes.
Either Obama is a legitimate natural born citizen or he is a president usurper who needs to be dealt with swiftly, as the law of the land demands.
Every legitimate American must write and/or call their *representatives and demand proof Obama is a natural born citizen.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)
David Ben-Ariel
*Click here to contact your elected officials
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
The International Free Press Society
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
For more information, contact:
Lars Hedegaard
President, IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
(301) 466-0248
January 22, 2009 - Washington, DC and Copenhagen, Denmark: A Dutch court yesterday ordered the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders, Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), for his statements - written, spoken and filmed -regarding Islam. The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has deemed such statements "insulting," declaring that they "substantially harm the religious esteem" of Muslims.
Clearly, the effect of this Dutch court order is to set new limits to public debate in Dutch society, in this case about the highly controversial but nonetheless crucially important subject of Islam. This makes the prosecution of Geert Wilders an unacceptable breach of the sanctity of freedom of speech in Western society.
Having ordered a criminal prosecution for the opinions of a duly elected leader of a legitimate political party, Dutch authorities have dealt a devastating blow to political expression. While Dutch prosecutors prepare their indictment and Geert Wilders' future hangs in limbo, who in The Netherlands will dare discuss political and cultural matters related to Islam - Islamic law, Islamic integration, Islamic crime, Islamic policy - openly, freely and fearlessly? The chilling effect is instantaneous. If, indeed, Wilders is ultimately convicted, free speech will cease to exist in the heart of Europe.
The International Free Press Society believes this court-ordered prosecution against Geert Wilders, a central figure in the fight against the Islamization of the West, amounts to a dangerous concession to the strictures of Islamic law, which prohibits all criticism of Islam, over Western traditions of, and rights to robust and unfettered debate. As such, it is tantamount to a surrender to totalitarian influences that undermine all Western freedoms. And as such, it must be resisted.
It is important to recall recent history. Two Dutchmen, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, have been murdered for their outspoken opposition to Islamization in The Netherlands. Another Dutch politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has been infamously forced into exile. Wilders alone now carries this debate over Islam in Dutch society forward - forcefully but logically, outspokenly but reasonably, and always peacefully. In order to do so, this member of Dutch parliament lives in a virtual prison, consigned to 24-hour guard by Islamic death threats against his life. Now, Dutch authorities have ordered him to be prosecuted for the Orwellian crime of committing "insulting" words.
As Wilders puts it, "If I have to stand trial, I will not stand trial alone, but also with the hundreds of thousands of Dutch people who reject the Islamization of The Netherlands." He will also stand trial with those in The Netherlands and beyond who reject government prosecutions of free speech. In recognition of this this dire situation, the IFPS immediately calls on every supporter of free speech to come to the aid of Geert Wilders.To assist in this effort, the IFPS has launched an international campaign in defense of Geert Wilders and his freedom of speech.
To support these efforts, we urge you to contribute to the Geert Wilders Defense Fund. Donation information can be found at the IFPS website at
We also urge defenders of free speech to sign this letter of protest against the Dutch Government
Lars Hedegaard
President of the IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
* * *
The International Free Press Society was established on January 1, 2009.
Read our Policy Statement here
The IFPS Board of Advisors
Asger Aamund
Bat Ye'or
Stephen Coughlin
Rachel Ehrenfeld
David Harris
Ole Hasselbalch
Hans Jansen
Ehsan Jami
Ibn Warraq
Philippe Karsenty
Roger Kimball
Ezra Levant
Andrew C. McCarthy
Nidra Poller
Kathy Shaidle
Roger Scruton
Robert Spencer
Mark Steyn
Allen West
Geert Wilders
The IFPS Board of Directors
Lars Hedegaard, President
Diana West, Vice President
Christine Brim. Secretary
Bjorn Larsen, Treasurer
Edward May, Outreach Coordinator
Paul Belien, Sergeant at Arms
Rush Limbaugh and Obama
Obama: unconscionable and unconstitutional?
Rush Limbaugh is one of those conservative cowards who FAILED to demand Obama prove he is a natural born citizen. It may come back to haunt such hypocrites if that fraud and foreigner, that president usurper, knocks them off the air. After all, the same Constitution that guarantees freedoms of speech and religion requires our president to be a natural born citizen.
We have seen no proof that Obama fulfills this Constitutional qualification of being a natural born citizen, and unconscionable Obama has failed to provide it, refuses to be open and honest - his records remain sealed - and therefore he rightly remains under a dark cloud of suspicion.
Illegitimate Obama appears to be an affirmative action president, plain and simple and unconstitutional.
David Ben-Ariel
Friday, January 23, 2009
Don't release terrorists!
By Maayana Miskin
( Many Israelis who have lost loved ones to terrorism have spoken out recently on the possibility of a mass terrorist release in exchange for the return of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. While some have publicly said they would let their loved ones' killers go free in exchange for Shalit, others have taken a strong stance against terrorist release.

Israelis murdered by released terrorists
Photo: Almagor Terror Victims Assoc.
Earlier this week Yael Ze'evi, whose husband Rehavam (Gandhi) Ze'evi was assassinated by terrorists in 2001, announced that she would be willing to see her husband's killers go free if it meant Shalit's safe return. She was joined by 100 other bereaved families, who signed a letter to Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in which they expressed willingness to see their own family members' murderers go free for Shalit.
Another widow who spoke out in favor of prisoner release was Rachel Koren, whose husband and two teenage sons were murdered in the bombing of the Matza restaurant in Haifa. “I can't live with the knowledge that there's a boy rotting in prison on my conscience,” she explained. “They should release whoever they have to release in order to bring him back home.”
Other families, and representatives of terrorist victims, have taken a strong stance against terrorist release. “I'm in touch with many families, and this support [for terrorist release] is likely to provoke rebellion,” warned Ze'ev Rap, whose 15-year-old daughter Helena was stabbed to death by a terrorist in 1992. “Whoever supports this process doesn't understand the suffering they're causing us,” he added.
"If they release my daughter's murderer, they'll destroy my family and the families of others,” Rap continued. He threatened to take the law into his own hands in such a case, saying, “I'll murder him before he leaves our borders, at the border fence. I'll die with the Philistines.”
Efraim Kastiel made a simple plea against release, saying, “My heart hurts for Gilad Shalit but I just can't handle it from a psychological standpoint. My heart won't allow it, I just can't.” Kastiel's daughter Liat was one of two young women stabbed to death by terrorists in Wadi Kelt in 1997.
Rachel Friedman lost her sister and niece, Lily and Tamara Shimashvili, in the 2001 bombing of the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem. “I think our army is strong enough to find a different way to release Gilad Shalit, and not by releasing murderers,” she said.
Stanley Boim's 17-year-old son David was murdered nine years ago in a terrorist shooting near the town of Beit El. Boim, who opposes terrorist release, explained that he was not motivated by a desire for revenge, but rather by a desire to protect others. “The release of killers means the murder of more Jews in the Land of Israel,” he said.
One of David Boim's killers was not caught after the murder, and later carried out an attack in downtown Jerusalem in which several people were killed.
Like Friedman, Boim believes Israel can free Shalit without releasing terrorists. “We need to do everything possible to free Shalit, but via pressure on Hamas and not on our government,” he stated.
Protests For Shalit, Against Release
As Olmert's term comes to an end, protests for Shalit's release have picked up steam. Demonstrations calling for Shalit's release have been held in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this week, and Friends of Shalit began a steady presence outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem on Friday.
Three bereaved fathers protested the protest, standing opposite a Shalit rally in Tel Aviv and rejecting calls to release terrorists. The fathers, Yossi Mendelovich, Dov Weinstein and Zion Swery, said they would gather more bereaved parents to join them in rallying opposite demonstrations in support of terrorist release.
The Israeli government is wallowing in blood, accessories to the murder of every Jew and non-Jew murdered by Arab terrorists, by their proud and stubborn refusal to remove the threat (defeat and drive them out or destroy them) as Meir Kahane reminded the nation Moses commands by divine decree. Why reward terrorism?
But what else can we expect from a rotten to the core government that plays musical chairs, engages in a danse macabre, and ignores Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body?
Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Black sites
Hitler Will Judge Us!
It used to be a country’s worst enemies who ripped up their pregnant women—now we’ve turned on ourselves. Don't abort our future: Think twice, choose life, let love grow.
Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
The cult of Choice is the worst symptom evident in society of the Hellenist disease. It sacrifices children upon the hedonistic altars of convenience and irresponsibility in an immoral and idolatrous way. It disguises itself as progressive and enlightened, but it is actually a dark throwback to the pagan rituals performed in the Valley of Hinnom: the holocaust of children that the prophet Jeremiah condemned (Jeremiah 7:31).
Will Hillary attend the Jerusalem Conference?
The German-EU threat to Israel
1) Will the Jerusalem Conference address the threat the German-dominated EU poses to Israeli security? Will they beware Europe's NEW CRUSADE for peace in the Middle East, as driven by the bloody Vatican?
Jerusalem Under Siege!
2) Will the Jerusalem Conference demand the religious rights of Jews and Christians to worship upon the Temple Mount must be respected and protected?
Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
3) Will the Jerusalem Conference recognize and embrace British Israelites as Joseph, hastening the process of redemption?
Joseph isn't Jewish!
4) Will the Jerusalem Conference hear the cries of Yitzhak Rabin's blood for justice and reopen the incriminating Rabin files, acknowledging Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body?
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
5) Will the Jerusalem Conference demand an end to the ethnic cleansing of Jews and call for Israel to remove the Arab threat?
Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
6) Will the Jerusalem Conference expose how corrupt and influential the Israeli oligarchy remains, slaves to their German-Jesuit EU masters?
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
7) Will the Jerusalem Conference lift the unjust ban against David Ben-Ariel who yearns to return to Zion?
Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
To pray or not to pray for Obama?
Joel Hilliker of the Philadelphia Trumpet says to "Pray for the President".
Are they both saying the same thing?
Some go to one extreme and some go to the other extreme. As far as proper respect for government and leaders, God help us to be balanced according to His Word.
As Mr. Hilliker noted, and I would emphasize in these trying times: "If a human command conflicts with God’s law, however, we must obey God—and then submit to the punishment; Acts 5:29."
Joseph Farah is right to encourage folks to pray Obama fails.
Joel Hilliker is right to encourage folks to pray for the president.
Of course our beloved country is under a curse or they would have never elected the illegitimate Gentile Obama! But part of our repentance is to acknowledge that fact and then go forward in attitude and in actions, in words and in deeds, and make sure Obama fails by returning to biblical standards (the Law of Moses tempered with the Sermon on the Mount) and reject our physical and spiritual idolatry and immorality that have brought us to this low point where British Israelites and Jews are in grave danger.
Joseph Farah and many others need to plea to diehard Catholics & Protestants to repent - if Obama is to fail.
"We The People" can reverse the curse by repentance, so help us God, or we'll soon be ravaged by weather and war. There actually comes a time, and it appears we're almost there, when we are to no longer pray for our people, no longer to intercede for God to withhhold divine punishment from our leaders or nation! (Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14; 14:11).
Was Isaiah wrong for being critical or disparaging his government?
Isaiah 1
14 Alas, sinful nation,
A people laden with iniquity,
A brood of evildoers,
Children who are corrupters!
They have forsaken the LORD,
They have provoked to anger
The Holy One of Israel,
They have turned away backward.
5 Why should you be stricken again?
You will revolt more and more.
The whole head is sick,
And the whole heart faints.
6 From the sole of the foot even to the head,
There is no soundness in it,
But wounds and bruises and putrefying sores;
They have not been closed or bound up,
Or soothed with ointment.
7 Your country is desolate,
Your cities are burned with fire;
Strangers devour your land in your presence;
And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
Isaiah dared to address the issue of treacherous and destructive militant minorities in the inner cities and rebuked Israel's government and people for it!
God's Word reveals many courageous servants who didn't merely pray for their leaders but took them to task. Remember John the Baptist and Herod? Moses and Pharaoh? Elijah and Ahab? It even got JB killed for daring to speak the plain truth to power. He told Herod it wasn't lawful for him to be in his adulterous affair and everybody knew about it! To fail to do less, isn't doing anybody a favor.
Was Elijah being disrespectful when he accused the king and his family of forsaking truth for tradition and cursing the nation?
1 Kings 17
17 Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?”
18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD and have followed the Baals.
I don't want to be more righteous than God or more civil than the Prophets, but Christians are to learn how to judge, leaving the final judgment with the Father. Tough love is necessary at times, and facts shouldn't be dimissed as disparaging but recognized as genuine constructive criticism, even if ultra-sensitive or hypocritical folks feel disagree. Otherwise, how is it possible to obey Isaiah's divine decree to "Cry aloud and SPARE NOT and show my people their sins and the House of Jacob their transgressions"?
It was not lawful, it was a sin, for White Israelites to elect the Gentile usurper Obama, besides the fact he's never proven he's a natural born citizen (and thus very well could be illegitimate politically and spiritually), regardless if the Church of God ministers fail to say so publicly, but cowardly whisper among themselves.
Deuteronomy 17
15 shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses; one from among your brethren [your own kind] you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner [Gentile] over you, who is not your brother.
Hosea 8
4 They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them...
Is the plain truth too strong?
Is racist Joseph Lowery senile?
Off color inaugural prayer
Give them an inch, and they'll demand a mile! The racist Joseph Lowery, who polluted the inaugural prayer with his racism against people of white color, just goes to show that "angry black men" are never satisfied, indulge in their depravity of discontent, and shouldn't be given the time of day!
Lowery, how low can you go? Are you senile? Don't you realize you were at the shameful inauguration of a black man in America? Where you can go is back to Africa where you belong and see how long they'll tolerate your outspoken racism against whites that should result in no more aid to Africa. If the white people embraced what is right they would seek immediate repatriation, not reparations, for every black person and they would have never elected that usurper Obama - a fraud and a foreigner - a Black Marxist, to pollute our WHITE House.
This temporary insanity the United States suffers from, will be healed when White Israelites remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities. When we get back to where we belong with God, we'll reverse the curse and make sure others are put back into their proper place, since race matters and diversity demands: segregate now!

President Obama
A clever manipulation of minds and false associations with history doesn't bode well for intellectual honesty in the White House; the surprise is the African, the Kenyan, the fraud and foreigner, Obama has never produced proof he is a natural born citizen and still stole the election (with massive foreign aid and ACORN votes).
Woe to America for electing the BIG LIE! Delusions of Obama's grandeur are proof the United States is under a curse. The emperor has no clothes.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Is Obama a natural born citizen?
Have you no fear of God? Do you consider yourself greater than Nimrod? Don't you know the Tower of Babel fell? That Satan was cast down from Heaven as a reject after lifting himself up so high?
President Usurper Obama,
Don't you know that according to the ethnocentric Bible (with its focus on the family of Jacob) you are a fraud and a foreigner - a Gentile - who has no right to occupy the White House? Not only because you've been proud and stubborn and failed to respect the legitimate concerns of Americans who demand proof you are a natural born citizen, showing contempt for our Constitution and those who hold it dear, but because Manifest Destiny decrees this a White Israelite country (that has blessed every color and creed willing to submit to that fact).
President Usurper Obama,
REPENT and resign, and return to Africa where you belong or be driven from office in God's good time with a plague upon your house.
A Bible-believing Christian and legitimate American,
David Ben-Ariel
BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses
Should Obama be Sworn in… or Arrested?
The man presently calling himself "Barack Hussein Obama" has postioned himself to preside over the most criminal administration in American history.
Should Obama be Sworn in… or Arrested?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Black Day in America: Obama Wins, America Loses
Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and others all represent the curse of reverse discrimination, the tail wagging the dog, the animals running the farm, the serious consequences for White Israelite disobedience to God (Deuteronomy 28:43).
We've failed to learn from history and have an illegitimate president elect; we've been deaf, dumb and blind to the two witnesses of raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and besieged South Africa (that testify against our madness); and we've rejected common sense. Now we'll have hell to pay for it! God save us all!
"I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races---that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."
- Abraham Lincoln
Does Hillary know the difference between Joes & Jews?
Estranged Joseph and Judah will be reconciled!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Somebody posted on my LiveJournal site:
Looks like your post has been picked up by
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Palestinian Pit Bull

Palestinian Pit Bull
This warped world doesn't care if Jews die, or that genocide is being committed against white Israelites in South Africa and raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins).
Israel and Judah are increasingly being hated and hounded by the world, its true bestial nature coming out, and only help from Heaven above will be able to save us soon.
Israeli retreat has consequences
Disengagement was retreat and rewarded terrorism: the Nazi Muslims, like hornets, were driving away the Jews because the Israeli leaders don't have their roots in the Holy Land of Israel and are detached from their religion. Israel must remember the Law of Moses, as Kahane reminded them, and defeat and drive out their sworn enemies or be driven out. It's one or the other.
Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
Grains Of Sand: The Fall Of Neve Dekalim
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Dangerous liars
by IsraelNN Staff
( Channel 2's political correspondent Amit Segal has gathered together statements made by many of Israel's leading politicians prior to the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza. Politicians rejected warnings of rocket fire from Gaza as "absurd," and many of those who now blame the retreat from Gaza for attacks on the south, actually voted for the withdrawal.
Then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon stated the purpose of the Disengagement from Gaza in his December 2003 speech to the Herzliyah Conference. He said:
“The purpose of the Disengagement Plan is to reduce terror as much as possible, and grant Israeli citizens the maximum level of security…These steps will increase security for the residents of Israel and relieve the pressure on the IDF and security forces in fulfilling the difficult tasks they are faced with. The Disengagement Plan is meant to grant maximum security and minimize friction between Israelis and Palestinians.”
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Herzliya Conference, December 18, 2003
In the above video, the following members of Knesset are shown making statements from the Knesset floor:
MK Meir Sheetrit, Kadima (Formerly Likud): There is an argument according to which there will be a threat… a threat and a fleeing… a threat on the Negev communities… I have never before heard such a ridiculous argument
MK Ran Cohen, Meretz: The disengagement is good for security. The right wing people stood here and talked about Kassams flying from here to there… I'm telling you, whoever wants to spare not only Sderot but also Ashkelon, both of them, must understand: if we don't go out of the Gaza Strip in two or three years, maybe after one year, the range will reach Ashkelon.
MK Orit Noked, Labor: I want to believe that, as a result of the evacuation, and the exiting of Gaza, the moderate Palestinian leaders will become strong, and terror will be reduced.
MK Shaul Mofaz, Kadima (Formerly Likud): I am convinced the act is necessary and right, it can grant greater security for the residents of Israel and can reduce the burden on the security forces, it can break the current stalemate and open a door to a new reality that will enable, when the day comes negotiations for coexistence.
MK Pines-Paz, Labor: Honorable Knesset Chairman, before I arrived in the Knesset today, I brought my son to the Tel Hashomer base, he received his first call-up order to the IDF. I must thank Ariel Sharon for the hope he gives me and my wife that my son, when he is recruited, will not have to serve the nation of Israel in the Gaza Strip.
MK Binyamin Netanyahu, Likud Chairman: Make no mistake, in a referendum I will support the (disengagement) plan
MK Yuval Shteinitz, Likud: I think that this plan, under the conditions, is appropriate for our confidence. It's not a simple plan, but it has a high probability of improving our geo-strategic situation.
Film of Knesset roll call in one of the votes on the Disengagement
MK (Likud) Silvan Shalom – In favor
MK (Likud) Yisrael Katz – In favor
MK (Likud) Limor Livnat – In favor
MK (Likud) Binyamin Netanyahu – In favor
It's obvious, other than being downright dishonest and deceitful, pushing the lying peace process forward as Israel falls backwards, all those putrid politicians had a lying spirit in their mouths and condemned the country to suffer for their stupidity.
The UNJews, the Hellenists, the globalist and treacherous Jews like Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres and criminal company, the corrupt and murderous Israeli oligarchy: such Jewish collaborators with the German-Jesuit EU are far more dangerous than any Nazi Muslims or apostate Christians could ever be, and provide the new Greco-Syrians, the new Babylonians, an opening against Israel, a breach in the walls of Jerusalem, undermining Israeli sovereignty, inviting attacks against Jews and brutally betraying the Temple Mount.
Jerusalem Under Siege!
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What does Hillary know about German arms?
The news agency Reuters reported that a German shipping company is involved in arms deliveries for the war on Gaza. According to the report, a German ship took on an exceptionally voluminous cargo of US American combat material destined for the Israeli port Ashdod. A second delivery is currently being prepared. Because of its obvious connection to the war on Gaza, British military experts have characterized the shipments as "irregular." German participation draws attention to Berlin's arms exports to the Middle East, with which Germany has over the past few years been arming both Israel and several of the Arab states. German weapons have been helping to fuel the tensions that, from the outset, have been inflaming the region... Click here to read the rest
American cooperation with good Nazis is nothing new. Neither are dangerous German ambitions. The German leopard has not changed its spots, and the Assyrian eagles' talons are everywhere (as Herbert W. Armstrong warned they would be).
What's new is the Frankenstein Monster we've helped to create will destroy US, first betraying our Jewish brethren in Israel and then launching a nuclear blitzkrieg against us, aided and abetted by American and Jewish collaborators.
Jerusalem Under Siege!
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
Ron Paul doesn't have a clue
Re: Congressman Ron Paul condemns the violence in the Gaza Strip, saying the "collective punishment"
Ron Paul doesn't have a clue when it comes to the Nazi Muslims, and how the "innocent" people of Gaza voted for the terrorist Hamas, and now are suffering some of the consequences for their choice. It's so sad those "innocent' children can't continue to watch Hamas TV terrorist cartoons uninterrupted, teaching them to want to die for their moon god and bloody religion and false prophet. Besides, Ron Paul has lost credibility with his abysmal failure to demand that fraud and foreign, Obama, prove his alleged American citizenship!
Israel needs to destroy the hornet's nest of Gaza, whether or not far removed people like Ron Paul understand or approve.
Condi Rice's part in the Gaza debacle

Olmert: Rice Sizzling After I Thwarted Her Anti-Israel UN Vote
Malkah Fleisher
CFR Condi Rice proved how worthless her educational degrees are (talk about dumbing down) and how her appointment was undoubtedly an "affirmative action" hire, when she was shocked Gaza duly elected Hamas - not Fatah (Bush's favorite terrorist organization), as many of us folks not detached from reality warned they would.
CFR Condi Rice aided and abetted the Nazi Muslims by her callous calls for ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gush Katif and Gaza, rewarding terrorism and bribing Ariel Sharon. She should have been sent packing a long time ago, or if she had any self-respect she should have resigned and spared the nation (and Israel) from her blind ambitions.
May God grant Condi Rice repentance for her part in pushing the lying peace process, the Gaza debacle, that she may study the Bible with eyes wide open and see and believe how black and white, how plain and simple, the truth is that could have set her free from the failed policies she pushed: it's the Promised Land of Israel!
Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
Read and weep for the Israeli Jews of Gush Katif/Gaza, on whose behalf I wrote this article in July 2005 before their illegal expulsion by the bribed Ariel Sharon and criminal company working for foreign interests. Many of them remain homeless, depressed and basically abandoned by their lying government -- their former homes history, stripped bare and destroyed by marauding Arab enemies who are now fighting among themselves, one terrorist group (Hamas) against another terrorist group (Fatah).
Lying Visions of Peace
The lying peace process exposes how Jews refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state, and how Jews are willing to sacrifice each other and sell out the Land and People of Israel if the price is right: both political and religious leaders are guilty of these sins that stink to High Heaven.
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
General Sharon could have enforced peace through strength, securing Israel a hard-earned victory, rather than rewarding terrorism and undermining Israeli security, breaching Jerusalem's sovereignty, permitting Roman wolves in sheep's clothing, "peacekeepers," to pollute the Holy Land of Israel.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Illegitimate Gentile President Elect
Gentile Obama is an ILLEGITIMATE president, as far as the ethnocentric Bible goes.
Deuteronomy 17
15 shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses; one from among your brethren [your own kind] you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner [Gentile] over you, who is not your brother.
Hosea 8
4 They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them...
Race Matters
Black Day in America: Obama Wins, America Loses
We The People - Stand up or get stomped on!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Is Obama guilty of treason or sedition?
If despite the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, that fraud and foreigner, has miserably failed to provide proof of his alleged American citizenship, and deceptively becomes our illegitimate president and then the SCOTUS declares him unfit for office (better late than never, even if woefully irresponsible and negligent?), is Obama guilty of treason or sedition and, if so, shouldn't he be shot or hung in the public square by the proper authorities? Or isn't that on the books or in the globalist works?
Barack Obama fails to answer serious questions
Interview of Orly Taitz: Chief Justice Roberts calls conference on Obama challenge — Lightfoot v. Bowen
BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses
Jerusalem in Germany's gunsite
Tevet 10 is the fast day the Jews mourn King Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem that led to its desolation: the destruction of the Temple and the deportation of the Jews. (I was actually born on Tevet 10 - January 10, 1960).
By the grace of God, there's a FULL PAGE AD in the Jewish Voice and Opinion (this month of Tevet) warning its Jewish audience that a German-led Europe will wage a New Crusade to enforce the Vatican's version of peace - that Babylon has begun its new siege against Jerusalem:
The FULL PAGE AD (on page 17) proceeds to direct them to Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall where my beliefs are on public record.
Download the January 2009 issue PDF here!
The Jewish Voice and Opinion speaks out forcefully and unashamedly for the unique concerns of what we have termed "classical Judaism." As a politically conservative Jewish publication, we take as our mission to present news and feature articles not generally available elsewhere in the Jewish or secular media.
Now in its 23th year, The Jewish Voice and Opinion has been influential in religious and political circles throughout the United States, Israel, and elsewhere. It is often quoted and reprinted. It has been admired, feared, often debated, but never ignored.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Out of Africa
It appears what Mr. Manning is saying, is you can take the Black Man out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the Black Man - except by a miracle from God.
Africa has contributed NOTHING to world civilization, unlike White Israelites blessed by God to bless all mankind, and in whose countries a relatively few Black Men & Women have produced greatness of one form or another.
May God bless every man & woman, every family & tribe, to recognize our God-given places and prosper in them.
President Barack Obama sound good to you?
Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Obama has FAILED!
Send Obama packing!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Obama on the run
Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States, states:
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President..."
When reports surfaced that President-elect Obama's paternal grandmother was claiming that she was present at Obama's birth in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, people started asking questions.
Then, a document known as a "Certification of Live Birth" made its way onto Obama's website.
There was just one problem: the Hawaii "Certification of Live Birth" is TOTALLY INADEQUATE for the purpose of proving that an individual was actually born in the State of Hawaii...
The "Certification of Live Birth" is nothing more than a computer generated printout. It is a totally different document than the "CERTIFICATE [not Certification] of Live Birth." And it is NOT A VALID BIRTH CERTIFICATE!
And why is that important? Two reasons...
First, Hawaii allows a child to be furnished a "Certification of Live Birth" even if the child was NOT born in Hawaii. Specifically, the Statute reads:
"[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child."
Secondly, Hawaii government agencies DO NOT necessarily accept the "Certification of Live Birth" as proof that an individual was born in the state of Hawaii.
For example, the Hawaii Department of Home Lands states the following on its website:
"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."
If the State of Hawaii DOES NOT accept a computer printout, as proof that an individual was actually born in Hawaii, WHY SHOULD WE!
That's a good question. Obama could certainly end this entire controversy – and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, SHOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT HE ACTUALLY RESPECTS THE CONSTITUTION - by simply producing his valid birth certificate.
His refusal only adds fuel to the fire and begs the question: What exactly IS contained in the "Certificate of Live Birth" which is presently under lock and key?
Officials in Hawaii aren't exactly shedding any light on the matter.
Dr Chiyome Fukino with Hawaii's Department of Health says that she has seen Obama's original vaulted birth certificate. Okay... We know that it exists... BUT WHAT DOES IT TELL US?
Fukino did not say! Specifically Fukino stated:
"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
Not only do we NOT know what is contained on the vaulted birth certificate...
... there are several other circumstances and issues that beg the question: Is Obama a "natural born Citizen" as REQUIRED - NOT SUGGESTED - by the Constitution?
What about the college records that Obama refuses to release. Why? Could those records indicate that he received financial aid as a foreign student?
Recently, Dr. Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to see if he could find a birth certificate for President-elect Obama, but he was detained by Kenyan officials. Again... Why?
Janet Porter, writing for, raises even more pressing questions:
"In Hawaii, a Certification of Live Birth is issued within a year of a child's birth to those who register a birth abroad or one that takes place outside a hospital,' she said."
"'There's the matter that Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan, Southern India and Kenya in 1981. He said he went to Indonesia to see his mother. This seemed plausible, except for the fact that his mother returned to Hawaii in August of 1980 to file for a divorce from her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Unless she went back to pal around with the man she divorced, she wasn't there at the time of Obama's visit," Porter wrote.
"'There's another problem. No record of Obama holding an American passport prior to the one he received once becoming a U.S. senator has been found. If he traveled to Pakistan with an American passport, he wouldn't have been allowed in – since Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and under martial law. It was also on the State Department's travel ban list for U.S. citizens,' she wrote.
"'If he couldn't get into Pakistan with a U.S. passport, perhaps he went there with an Indonesian passport. But the only way you can get one of those is if you are an Indonesian citizen.'"
And again, one cannot shake President-elect Obama's unwillingness to release an authentic copy of his vaulted birth certificate, nor can it be ignored that President-elect Obama has hired teams of attorneys (not individual attorneys, but teams of attorneys) to thwart attempts by third parties to compel him to produce a birth certificate.
The question as to whether President-elect Obama is a "natural born Citizen" is not just significant... it's downright compelling.
And it's a question that MUST be answered!
Simply stated, if the Electoral College actually allowed an unqualified person to be elected President of the United States, or allowed a person to be elected without verifying that that he or she is qualified, our entire form of government could be compromised!
I don't make that statement lightly. It's not an exaggeration.
Liberty and freedom are not the rule in this world.
They're exceptions.
In the United States, we take freedom for granted. It's a given. To us it's like breathing or walking.
And that's no accident.
Our Founding Fathers established a government under the basic premise that men "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." ... rights that could not be taken away because they come from a Power greater than any one of us.
They believed the primary purpose of government was to secure and safeguard those rights and they enumerated those rights in the Constitution and in the Bill of Rights.
Stated in greater detail...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...." When the most powerful among us are no longer bound by those founding documents - and, more importantly, when we refuse to hold them accountable - there can be no freedom... no liberty... only unrest... violence... oppression... tyranny... perhaps not tomorrow, but very soon!
Our Founding Fathers knew that all too well.
The action that you take now may very well determine the future that you leave to your children and grandchildren.
We have indeed crossed the Rubicon.
If we do nothing... we may well be signing the death warrant for our nation.
The action that you take or don't take right now will determine our future. What will you do?
If President-elect Obama is unwilling or unable to prove that he is constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President of the United States then every action he takes as President is open to legal challenge.
Our first priority is to compel him to prove he is eligible before he is inaugurated, but we must prepare now to challenge his actions on all fronts.
That means, when President Obama attempts to impose the so-called Fairness Doctrine, we'll be there to challenge it in court. When he signs a bill to force homosexual marriage on every state, we'll be there to challenge it. With your help, we will fight every action this usurper president takes.
Far too many of our so-called "conservative" leaders are already showing the American people that they will choose political gain over the Constitution. Someone must be willing to fight and be ready to fight. Someone needs to take the lead.
Please click here and make your best tax-deductible donation of $5,000 or $1,000 or even $250.00 or $50.00 or even $25.00. Or better yet, you can make a re-occurring tax-deductible donation and know that you are making all the work we do at USJF possible on an on-going basis.
Click Here to Join the Fight
In His Service,
Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Israel Today on Gaza
Israeli forces trisect Gaza, kill 50 terrorists
Army censors news of operation, but reports indicate Gaza City is surrounded; more than 20 Israeli soldiers wounded in fighting more»
Europe shocks Israel, backs Gaza invasion
EU presidency goes to Czech Republic, which insists Israeli invasion of Gaza is defensive, not offensive more»
Hamas lies to media to weaken Israeli resolve
Terror groups claims it has abducted 2 more Israeli soldiers; says 10 Israelis were killed during Gaza incursion more»
Hamas brutalizes internal enemies
75 Fatah men shot in legs as warning; at least 35 Palestinians who helped Israel in the past executed more»
Gaza women can't wait to bomb Israelis
In video on Hamas TV, Gaza women speak of desire to become human bombs against Israeli soldiers more»
10,000 Israeli troops pour into Gaza; heavy fighting reported; several dozen Hamas gunmen reportedly killed more»