Matthew Ellard wrote:
David Ben-Ariel wrote:Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals,
I'm concerned
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Debating the Holocaust: A New Look At Both Sides
by Thomas Dalton , Ph.D
Everybody should feel free to question whatever they want, including the holocaust (Hebrew shoah/burnt offering) or whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen. Furthermore, even Jewish law, biblical law, knows our Great Creator God doesn't accept human burnt offerings (Judges 11:29-40) - they're pagan and treif (unclean, not kosher) - although the God of Israel respects martyrdom (The Suffering Servant) and honors the death of His Suffering Servant (Yeshua is the Suffering Servant), so why persist in polluting such a word? Especially when the vast majority of Jews did not offer themselves as sacrifices for any cause or reason. They were marked for death simply for being Jews. Some got swept away due to circumstances beyond their control, suffering for the irresponsibility of others, especially their bloody leaders (Miriam Weiss: Holocaust Survivor and Kibbutz Mother). Other Jews failed to save themselves by taking the warnings they were given seriously or were just plain hypocrites (WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE RABBIS?.
Don't call it the holocaust: from now on call it Hitler's war against the Jews, attempted genocide, ethnic cleansing, or just plain old persecution since too many Jews downplay or deny or are ignorant about the ethnocentric aspects of the Bible and Judaism.
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Nation of Drunks and Whores
We’ve been living a lie and have loved to indulge in deception. “Don’t confuse me with the facts” has been our shameful attitude, and truth has been treated like some social outcast. Therefore, God threatens to use Europe to wake us up...
Since we’re A NATION LIVING IN SIN—Jacob disowns us, Abraham doesn’t recognize us, and Isaac mourns our mixed marriages (Isa. 63:16). Israel’s birthmark was obedience to God (Gen. 18:19)...
There are spiritual factors behind our economic crisis! It’s in our best national interest to obey God and invest some time in personal Bible study.
But instead of developing our relationship with God and staying sober and celibate, we’ve whored around and given birth to pagans (Hos. 5:7). That’s why God can’t accept us as His National Priest since our lifestyle choice misrepresents Him! God doesn’t want any part in our perversion. Since we’ve denied His natural order of things, He won’t recognize our illegitimate children! He hasn’t fathered them (Hos. 4:6).
God says we haven’t been humble and obedient like Abraham—the Father of the faithful—but are “…a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the LORD…” and don’t want anything to do with the truth. We don’t want to be shown where we’re wrong, and we don’t want to hear about it (Isa. 30:9-11). “So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction” (Jer. 7:28). We’ve orphaned ourselves and act like bastards!
Instead of becoming a model-nation we’ve become a STRIPPER! We’ve taken all the fine things that God’s given us and laid them out before foreigners (Hos. 2:1-13). We’ve squandered our time and energy in pagan ways and heathen practices. Therefore, God’s going to STRIP AWAY OUR PEACE AND PROSPERITY! We’re going to be left exposed to the elements and stripped bare before NAKED AGGRESSION! Since we refuse to return to God, we’ll be sent back into SLAVERY!
We’re a nation of DRUNKS AND WHORES—so God’s going to let us hit bottom so hard it’ll appear we’ll never bounce back! God’s no longer going to enable us to carry on in our ways, drinking ourselves to death and dying for sex. We’ve gone from bad to worse: “You have stricken them, but they have not grieved You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than rock they have refused to return” (Jer. 5:3)...
We’ve left God’s ways, throughout history, to follow men’s ideas. We’d lose our love for the truth and become enamored with error. Due to this spiritual insult and breach of contract, God would send a number of eviction notices. He’d cite us for breaking our lease and inform us we’d worn out our welcome. But we’d rip us those notices and abuse those who delivered them: “And the LORD has sent to you all His servants the prophets, rising early and sending them [far in advance], but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear. They said, ‘Repent now every one of his evil way and his evil doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD has given to you and your fathers forever and ever” (Jer. 25:4-5).
We didn’t want to be reminded that God had set us free from men to serve Him. We could only call the Holy Land home as long as we remained holy! There were clauses that if we failed to make repairs and keep the place clean, we could forfeit our biblical right to the land and be DISINHERITED (Jer. 17:4)...
As we go further into NATIONAL DEBT AND DISGRACE, instead of turning to God for divine assistance, we turn to foreigners for loans! But it’ll be our downfall! Will Europe or Saudi Arabia offer to bail us out? Japan or China keep us afloat? Or will they forcibly put us into receivership? Throw us into debtor’s jail? Require FORCED LABOR? Who hasn’t heard of loan sharks (Hos. 7:11-12)? Or how they fly into a frenzy over blood money? They won’t just break our bones—they’ll BOMB OUR CITIES (Ezek. 6:6)...
Ancient Israel fell prey to every con-artist (painting pretty pictures of peace), passing phase or new fad—drunk on the ecumenical spirits. Yes, “…they have erred through wine, and through intoxicating drink are out of the way: the priest and the prophet have erred through intoxicating drink, they are swallowed up by wine, they are out of [their wits and gone astray] through intoxicating drink they [can’t see or think straight], they stumble in judgment [they can’t even walk a straight line]. For all tables are full of vomit and filth no place is clean” (Isa. 28:7-8).
The party’s over, the place is trashed, and everybody’s going to wake up with a HORRIBLE HANG-OVER!
It’s interesting to note that, during my days as a lowly kibbutz-volunteer, the British were notorious for being drunks. They had earned such a bad reputation that some kibbutzim and moshavim wouldn’t accept any English volunteers. God condemns the Sceptered Isle for being SPIRITUAL DRUNKS! He castigates “…the crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim” (Isa. 28:1-3). Of course, we’ve all been a bunch of drunks and whores, in love with Babylonian babes and brew: “Harlotry, wine, and new wine enslave the heart… For the spirit of [promiscuity] has caused them to stray [from the truth], and they have [whored around] against their God”(Hos. 4:11-12). What nation hasn’t had one too many Catholic concoctions (Rev. 17:2)? It’s past time to GET SOBER!
-Excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - Chapter 4 - Victims of Tradition
Drunks and Whores (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Fascism in Europe
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels at Feb 19, 2009
Imagine a boiling pot with a frog in it, and the pot is marked "EU" and the frog's back bears the name "Sovereignty" and the fire under the pot is "Fascism" and within the rising steam from the boiling pot are ghostly words like "Freedom of Speech," "Freedom of Religion," and "Independence"... and you get the picture of what is going on.
The EU is a German Ruse
Germany Behind the Mask
Europe's Bitter Roots
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Truth be told
Re: A Household Word?
David Ben-Ariel » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:44 pm
I don't need any kiss from Judas. He was "concerned" for the poor too.
You admit to being an intravenous drug user
I have no problem acknowledging I'm a FORMER drug addict. If I did, I certainly wouldn't have frankly discussed it in my article, Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
You admit to being a homosexual who has full blow AIDS
I confess I'm a RECOVERING homosexual who has AIDS. Apparently my honesty is too much for some, as it blows away those who are used to living a lie and being dishonest with themselves and others.
God and the Gays
Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
Does God Heal Today?
You are now slagging off Catholics for "spiritually" doing what you actually did.
Yes, what I actually did but don't do any more. The good news is that I'm proof that REPENTANCE is possible, that folks don't have to remain drunks and whores or stuck in the muck of Babylon. Isn't it wonderful how I can relate to so many people from all walks of life?
Has Hillary watched "A Household Word" yet?
A Household Word
The general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust.
A little known blogger
PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual"
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
A German-led Europe will strike nuclear terror against US! National destruction, defeat and deportation are on the way! The American, British and Jewish peoples are marked for death!
Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Doesn't Hillary know Obama is a FRAUD!
Obama's African Coup in America
How will the president usurper act when they come to take him away? When the Constitution is again upheld and the laws of this land he has shown contempt for enforced?
President Usurper Obama
Have you no fear of God? Do you consider yourself greater than Nimrod? Don't you know the Tower of Babel fell? That Satan was cast down from Heaven as a reject after lifting himself up so high?
BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses
Sherrod Brown on Obama's Birth Certificate
3 Myths About Obama's Eligibility
Demand proof Obama's a natural born citizen!
Shame on conservative cowards!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Beyond Babylon is PRICELESS!
Beyond Babylon is available to read for FREE
by David Ben-Ariel on Mon, 2009-02-16
I could understand being "uncomfortable" if I were merely trying to sell Beyond Babylon, but the GOOD NEWS is that I make it freely available for one and for all:
Beyond Babylon (free to read on blog)
Beyond Babylon (free to read online)
This is unbelievable! The self-destructiveness of those who claim to have their own people's best interest at heart: To make an independent Palestinian state on the soil of ancient Israel the "casus belli" for sitting with the Likud in one government.
It is as in earlier days, before the Second World War in which six million of the Jewish people were slaughtered, when most of those in the Jewish Agency were more intent on pleasing and placating their British masters than standing up for what was best for their own people.
So again, the Kadima leadership seeks to please the leaders of the Goyish world - not just by accepting their 'two state solution,' but actually making it the cornerstone of their Kadima's - policy.
Thus are they drifting even further to the left than was former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin who warned: A Palestinian state will be built on the ruins of the State of Israel" (Maariv 10.2.1989)
One would have thought that Israel's largest party would have chosen as a precondition for entering any government something that would strengthen the security and well-being of this nation: A stronger defense, a clearer policy vis-à-vis Iran, and the general terrorist threat. But no - before anything else they want to give into the wish of the world: a Palestinian state on the soil of ancient Israel that would threaten to end the very existence of their sovereign state.
And so it might well be, with even Abu Mazen joining the throng that is demanding Israel be censured for war crimes in its purely self-defensive war. He will become the new "moderate?" head of the State of Palestine, just 25 miles from Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Airport - a ready target for all the ISLAMIC jihadists who will try to use this Muslim stronghold as a springboard for the destruction of what is left of Israel.
And if, just before Israel hands over this vitally strategic asset - the high ground comprising its biblical heartland with all the desperately-needed water supplies it contains - Ehud Olmert and his Kadima-led transitional government acts to release the immensely popular and charismatic Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti as a further gift to the Palestinian people, one can be sure that sooner rather than later this convicted multiple-murderer of Jews will be chosen to replace the elderly Abu Mazen. Then he will repay Israel - once in power as the President of Palestine - for every year he languished in an Israeli cell.
All this, Mr. Sheetrit, will be the wisely-granted gift and policy of your Kadima Party to your already terribly tried people.
What wisdom!
Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center
Israel's Betrayal of the Jews
Let Jews and Israelis examine Israel's betrayal of the Jews before it's too late and Jerusalem suffers under EU occupation.
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
I am a Bible-believer, a Christian-Zionist (one who believes the Prophets foretold the restoration of Jews first of all 12 Tribes of Israel to the Promised Land of Israel before the end of this world as we know it). I am not a Protestant or a "Jew for Jesus" and certainly not a member of the Roman Catholic Cult. I am a baptized member of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God...
Lying Visions of Peace
The lying peace process exposes how Jews refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state, and how Jews are willing to sacrifice each other and sell out the Land and People of Israel if the price is right: both political and religious leaders are guilty of these sins that stink to High Heaven.
It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.
Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem! The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!
Re: Gaza Needs A Regime Change
First Jerusalem needs a regime change: the dangerous UNJews, the Hellenists, the globalist and treacherous Jews like Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres and criminal company, the corrupt and murderous Israeli oligarchy, MUST GO! Such Jewish collaborators with the German-Jesuit EU are far more dangerous than any Nazi Muslims or apostate Christians could ever be, and provide the new Greco-Syrians, the new Babylonians, an opening against Israel, a breach in the walls of Jerusalem, undermining Israeli sovereignty, inviting attacks against Jews and brutally betraying the Temple Mount.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Has Hillary watched "Drunks and Whores" yet?
Drunks and Whores
Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals, REPROBATES having a perverse spiritual preference for tradition over truth, for abominable baptized paganism, counterfeit Christian holidays they've accepted (following Constantine, not Jesus Christ), falling for accursed Rome's replacement theology that would replace the biblical Sabbath and holy days and dietary laws (we are commanded to keep) with their idolatrous traditions and unclean doctrines of demons...
Watch the Drunks and Whores video and read these articles:
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Temple Mount
Two newspaper executives were arrested yesterday on charges of "intent to outrage" the "religious feelings" of Muslims.
Sounds as fanatically hypersensitive to Nazi Muslim feelings as the Bolsheviks in Israel who detained and later unjustly deported me for an article of mine, published in Jerusalem and read throughout Israel (and now the world), that not only exposed the German-Vatican plot to occupy Jerusalem but called upon the Israeli authorities to reclaim and restore the Temple Mount as the Temple Mount.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Germans and Saudis
RIAD/BERLIN (Own report) - Berlin is trying to engage the feudal elite of Saudi-Arabia in the counterinsurgency in Afghanistan. According to the German Ministry of the Interior, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former chief of the Saudi intelligence service, spent several days in Berlin to discuss how to "enhance the cooperation between the two states in the field of security policy". The discussion focused particularly on ways to "improve the security in the Pakistani region bordering Afghanistan." Since the 1980s, Prince Turki al-Faisal has had close contacts in that region, when he organized Saudi support for the West- German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and other western intelligence services in their efforts to end the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, with the help of Islamic Jihadists. At the time, Osama Bin Laden was one of Turki al-Faisal's partners. Today, Berlin would like for this former Saudi intelligence chief to once again use his contacts in the war zone on behalf of the West. But this time to crush the former accomplices in the war against the Soviet Union, that he helped take power.
Eligibility: McCain checked but not Obama
A lawsuit that accuses Congress of failing to investigate President Obama's birthplace before approving the Electoral College vote giving him the presidency has been amended to include additional claims of rights violations, including unequal treatment, because Congress did such an investigation into GOP candidate Sen. John McCain.
Find out the latest right now at
Sunday, February 8, 2009
HWA was right about Churchianity!
Herbert W. Armstrong exposed TRADITIONAL Christianity for years!
'1st century believers would have never accepted this'
Herbert W. Armstrong, for over 50 years, was a lone voice in the wilderness crying aloud and sparing not about the baptized paganism of TRADITIONAL Christianity.
Herbert W. Armstrong was a God-send to restore long lost truths; he stood against traditional Christianity's error and taught the plain truth of the Bible; restored our Hebrew roots; warned world leaders about a German-dominated European Union and offered the hope and comfort of Christ's return to save us from its nuclear holocaust; Herbert W. Armstrong died January 16, 1986, full of faith and wisdom, leaving a lasting impression on those who continue the quest for God's Kingdom.
Today Beyond Babylon fulfills the need to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God while emphasizing a warning to the world; it includes the truth about our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities; about God's Sabbath and Holy Days versus Satan's Sunday and pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter; about Israel's demise and Europe's rise -- these are foundational truths.
Beyond Babylon builds upon that sure foundation by pointing out that it's the sorcerer-pope, the false prophet, who presents Europe's imminent leader as the Savior of "Christian Western Civilization;" he'll perform miracles in his presence urging Europe to remodel themselves after the "Holy Roman Empire" (Rev. 13:14). Together they'll create a counterfeit Kingdom of God.
Beyond Babylon also explains -- FOR THE FIRST TIME -- why there are two witnesses, what their mission and purpose is, why they're stationed in Jerusalem and how they fulfill the Elijah role.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
To defend the rights and freedoms that exist for all citizens in the United States
Charles E. Jones
Brigadier General US Air Force, Retired
Lifetime subject to recall for active duty
Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal (AF)
"We the People of the United States of America" are entitled to know the legal qualifications of the President and Commander in Chief. For the better good and National Security of "We the People of the United States" and for Absolute Command of the Military Forces of the United States, I whole heartedly support the efforts of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ for taking legal action to determine whether or not Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, Citizen of Indonesia and possibly citizen of Kenya, is eligible to become President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Whites are Cursed!
The true cause for South Africa’s wealth, and the reason it is now disappearing, is rooted in the nation’s historical connection to the British Empire. Biblical prophecy outlines the curses South Africa increasingly finds itself under, curses that are destined to grow worse in the time ahead. - South Africa: The Next Zimbabwe
Without beating around the bush, here's the plain truth: South Africa was blessed because of White Israelites - primarily of British and Dutch origin - who pioneered, produced and prospered as prophesied - who shared in Joseph's Birthright Blessing. Now, due to sins of idolatry and immorality, topped off by treacherous attempts to power-share with Black Gentiles against the Word and Will of God, the nation is cursed, just like raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) is cursed and now the United States with its first Gentile president (a black day in America) is cursed.
These are the topsy-turvy "Times of the Gentiles," fast descending into the dark abyss of the "Time of Jacob's Trouble." It will soon get so bad (barring national repentance), only divine intervention will save us! But since we (the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the ethnic Elect) are "beloved for the fathers' sakes" (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), those days will be cut short, as Two Witnesses will comfort our captive audience.
The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower
By Jonathan Schanzer
Jerusalem Post
February 6, 2008
The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower
By Robert Baer
Crown Publishers; 279 pages; $25.95
Iran is waging bloody proxy wars throughout the Middle East. The fighting in the Gaza Strip was only the latest example. Yet, a former CIA officer is calling for the US to "take its medicine and sit down at the negotiating table with Iran" and to treat the Islamic Republic "like the power it has become."
The problem is not that Robert Baer fails to see that Iran is an aggressor. He knows that Iran seeks to "wear down the United States to the point that it will not want to confront Iran anywhere in the Middle East." He also understands that the US has two options: "either fight in a new 30-year war or come to terms." It's his conclusion, that Iran is "unconquerable - even with nukes," that makes Baer look like a washed-up ex-spy who has forgotten which side he's fighting for. He appears comfortable with defeat.
The author's conclusions seem to be based on some deadly analytical blunders. The Devil We Know is filled with misleading and apologetic assertions about Iran. Notably, it starts off with the ludicrous claim that Iran has "abandoned both terrorism and [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini's revolution." Perhaps he does not consider the Iran-funded Hamas's indiscriminate rocket fire into Israel a terrorist tactic. Or maybe he doesn't think it is terrorism when Iranian-funded groups in Iraq detonate bombs to kill and maim Americans.
That's not all. The author also claims that the pragmatic and rational Iranians are "trying to convince the Palestinians to abandon pointless suicide attacks against civilians." He states that the rocket attacks are the fruit of this new strategy. Baer could not be further from the truth. The steep drop in suicide bombings is a testament to the security fence erected after the outbreak of the 2000 intifada. Iran's clients, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, in their unquenchable thirst to attack Israel, are now forced to fire rockets from behind the fence.
Similarly, Baer claims that the West "needs to realize the Iranians are potentially partners in a Palestinian settlement." He ignores the fact that Iran continued to supply Hamas and Islamic Jihad with rockets, guns and military training during the Oslo peace process of the 1990s. In fact, they were - and still are - among the deadliest hindrances to regional peace.
The next bit of asininity is Baer's claim that the mullahs are a "driving force behind Iran's modernization." In truth, the mullahs' track record of terror and their sponsorship of Hamas and Hizbullah have earned Iran painful economic sanctions from countries around the globe. These well-earned sanctions, in addition to Iran's pariah diplomatic status, have set the country back decades.
A frustrating theme throughout the book is supposed "American ignorance." Baer asserts that ignorant Americans "find it nearly impossible to get a grip on Iran... because it's so damned complicated."
True, there are nuances to learn about this country. It takes time to learn the complexities of any country. But it's not so "damned complicated" to understand that Iran is an enemy of the United States. Speeches by Iranian leaders inevitably include the mantra "Death to America." And even if you (mistakenly) ignore the 1979 hostage crisis, or the 1995 bombing of the US military barracks in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, there is no ignoring the fact that Iran is undeniably responsible for much of the insurgent violence against US forces that has sent so many of America's youth home without limbs or in caskets.
Another theme throughout the book is that Iran is now a "hydrocarbon empire," and that its "dominance in the Middle East is a fait accompli." However, Baer wrote his book when oil was $135 a barrel. Now, oil is in a tailspin at less than $50. The author's argument seems even sillier when he admits that Iran is experiencing an oil shortage and has "half the reserves it claims." More recently, upon the prompting of the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the US Congress, India's Reliance Industries Limited ceased gasoline sales to Iran. There are now only a handful of suppliers remaining who will even work with the mullahs. This doesn't sound like much of a hydrocarbon superpower.
There are also factual errors. For example, Baer cites the existence of an al-Qaida affiliate group in Lebanon called "Usbat al-Islam." There is no such group in existence. There's Usbat al-Ansar and there's Fatah al-Islam. Incidentally, Baer wrote about the supposed existence of this group in a May 2007 piece for Time magazine, so this is not just an overlooked fact-check.
To give some credit, Baer's grasp of Iranian history, culture, and Shi'a Islam is relatively good. It better be, after running around the Middle East for the CIA. He should also be commended for sketching out some worst-case scenarios of Iranian aggression in the Persian Gulf, Kurdish territories, the Levant and elsewhere. Finally, Baer should be lauded for his criticism of pundits who lump Iran into the same "Islamofacism" camp as al-Qaida. He's right. Iran does approach its war against the West quite differently than the Salafi jihadists. Indeed, there are vast differences between Shi'a and Sunni fundamentalists. Our strategies to counter these two dangerous foes should differ accordingly.
Baer's strengths, however, cannot make up for the myriad problems in this book. The Devil We Know falls far short of establishing Baer as "one of the world's foremost authorities in the Middle East," as his book jacket boasts.
Baer muses that sometimes spying is simply "a windshield tour of someplace the average American would never dare go." This particular windshield is splattered with bugs.
The writer, a former US Treasury intelligence analyst, is deputy executive director for the Jewish Policy Center and author of the new book Hamas vs Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine (Palgrave Macmillan).
Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem
As the United States called upon Israel to become their virtual protectorate during Operation Desert Storm, the European Union will offer Israel guarantees of peace and security. Europe, not the overextended and highly inflated United States, will take out Iran.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Does Hillary Clinton write Jonathan Pollard?
Jonathan Pollard reports that he is receiving a significantly increased volume of mail from people all over the world since President Bush left office on January 20th without acting on Jonathan's petition for clemency. [Bush did not deny clemency; he simply failed to act, leaving the Pollard petition for response by President Barak Obama, sometime within the next 4 to 8 years...]
The letters that Jonathan is receiving, are his lifeline, his reassurance that people on the outside care very deeply. Jonathan told his wife, Esther, how very much he is enjoying the letters and how varied they are. They run the gamut, he said, from one end of the spectrum to the other in terms of stories, anecdotes, prayers, and personal life experiences. Some people write of how they much are praying for Jonathan, others recount personal problems so severe that Jonathan is now praying for them (along with all of his prayers for Am Yisrael).
Most people express the hope that Jonathan will write back, but he simply is not able to. Why not? Because all of his out-going mail is routed via NSA in Washington where it is supposedly "vetted" to ensure that it does not contain classified information. In the process of being "vetted" somehow all of his out-going mail gets lost or destroyed. It does not reach its destination. This is an age-old vengeful technique that is intended to demoralize a prisoner.
Fortunately, Jonathan does receive all of his incoming mail. Incoming mail goes directly to the prison mailroom where it is checked to ensure that the letter is in English and does not contain any contraband. (No bubble gum, stamps, glitter, stickers, money etc permitted). Only letters and photos are permitted (Photos in modest quantity: up to 5). Letters in Hebrew are shown to Jonathan very briefly and then discarded.
As soon as the mailroom staff checks the mail, it is distributed and Jonathan receives all of his letters, without exception.
Please keep writing! Please know that all of your letters reach Jonathan as long as they are correctly addressed and contain no forbidden enclosures. Please know, as well, how very much these letters mean to him.
Here is Jonathan's address:
Jonathan Pollard #09185-016
c/o FCI Butner
P.O. Box 1000
Butner, NC
U.S.A 27509-1000
Feel free to send a copy of your letters to
With your permission we will share copies of some of the letters with our readers.
See Also:
OpEd: Bush's unforgivable failure
Washington: Bush Rejected Pardons For Many, But Left Pollard Petition Alive -
Will Obama remain secretive?
It's apparent Obama dropped the hot potato of Jeremiah Wright to win the election, aided and abetted by ACORN, conservative cowards and massive foreign aid (unaccounted for and much of it undoubtedly illegal), but most importantly: Obama has failed to prove he is a natural born citizen.
Adding insult to injury, Obama has suspiciously sealed his records in the United States and Kenya, and disrespects those who ask legitimate questions concerning this key Constitutional issue instead of being open and honest. So to wimply and simply say, "He's the president now" - to sheepishly resign oneself to accept a possible African coup in America (due to identity theft and terrorism) since it's a done deal, a backroom deal, a president usurper due to treacherous irresponsibility and collaboration of many, is inexcusable.
Although I consider the Gentile African, Barack Hussein Obama, illegitimate to hold office here for biblical reasons - Israelites were never to empower Gentiles to rule over them (Deut. 17:15), and Gentiles ruling over Israelites is considered a curse (Deut. 28:43) - IF Obama would prove he is a natural born citizen, as required by our Constitution, I would then submit to the fact he is our legitimate political president and encourage him to rule this Republic righteously, in peace and harmony with the Word and Will of God (Isa. 55:7-9), loving God and his neighbor as himself, and would gladly embrace Obama and pray for him as he humbles himself daily to read and heed what's written in the Bible (Deut. 17:18-19), so help him God.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Forced labor
The Israelite United States is not Babylon! New York City is not Babylon! Yes, we are in spiritual Babylon (as is the whole world, Catholics and Protestants); yes, we are in economic Babylon (as is the whole world enslaved by globalist banksters), but the biblical Babylon yet to fall has been clearly identified by Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons as ROME and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. "Europe's Fate" - chapter 5 of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - reveals why the Europeans will turn on the bloody Vatican and hate it with a passion.
As for the fall of the Twin Towers in New York City and its eerie resemblance to prophecies in Revelation: close but no cigar! At best, it's a type of what can happen suddenly - more likely it's a counterfeit by Satan to cause confusion among those who should be grounded in the truth, having been taught correctly for years that Rome is Babylon and by extension, the Roman Catholic Church. Roman Catholics are named after its bestial system and accursed city! Babylon has fallen, but Rome is yet to fall and become history once and for all. The Two Witnesses will announce that good news from Jerusalem.
When 9/11 struck, whether by foreign terrorists and/or by domestic design (a false flag, a black operation - God knows), New York City was temporarily closed for business, the United States suffered a massive setback, but 9/11 did not deal a death blow to New York City or our economy! New York City staggered but regained its balance and continues to stand to this day, very active, very much alive, the city never sleeps, music still plays, folks still do plenty of business there, marriages continue to be performed there, the lights are still on in New York City - completely contrary to what Revelation says will be the case for Babylon! (Revelation 18).
"Rejoice over her, O Heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her!" (Revelation 18:20). Did the Sabbath-keeping Church of God rejoice when the Twin Towers fell? No! We mourned, we grieved for innocent lives lost and feared what appeared to be an attack against America. When Babylon falls, never to rise again, we will fiddle while Rome burns! We know ROME - the bloody Vatican - represents the evil spirit and Gentile system of Babylon that has persecuted and murdered God's People and is guilty of instigating wars and oppression.
Don't be deceived by appearances! New York City appears to be Babylon today, but it is only a front for the dark powers that be, the German-Jesuit cabal who hide behind Jewish shields (schills) and operate from London (the "Crown Temple") for Rome.
Soon the United States will be put into national receivership (so to speak), when forced labor is demanded of Americans, when our loan sharks exact vengeance. After all, in ancient Babylon, their temples served as banks. Will the Vatican soon openly consolidate all power to itself, politico-religious and economic and their sorcerer-pope empower the Beast to enforce their rule? Will they issue their special currency, their mark the world will be dying to get? We'll see.
The New South Africa (latest news)
'Oh my God, I'm going to die!'
Bejaarde getakel toe ring nie afkom
Op Kommando: Afrikaner Weerbaarheid
Shoot me too, says wife
Wo Afrikaaner unter sich bleiben können
Painter held for woman's murder
Predikantsvrou geskiet
Farmer dies in same spot as mom
'Verdagte het oorledene en gesin verraai'
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Constitution perverted
On being a White Israelite country
Monday, February 2, 2009
Birth Certificates
Speaking of Birth Certificates
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Away with Obama!
Obama's African Coup in America
How will the president usurper act when they come to take him away? When the Constitution is again upheld and the laws of this land he has shown contempt for enforced?
President Usurper Obama
Have you no fear of God? Do you consider yourself greater than Nimrod? Don't you know the Tower of Babel fell? That Satan was cast down from Heaven as a reject after lifting himself up so high?
BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses
Sherrod Brown on Obama's Birth Certificate
3 Myths About Obama's Eligibility