Sunday, January 31, 2010
Jews haven't fulfilled prophecies about Joseph!
#39. To: Magician (#14)
I've never seen so much BS in my life.
Those who cannot debate, defame; cannot refute, ridicule. The plain truth about the Israelite origins, the Hebrew roots, of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples is overwhelming, recognized by a growing number of Jews and British Israelites and Gentiles (as prophesied). Brit Am Israel is a Torah-observant, Jerusalem based organization, that helps restore the identification of the Israelite tribes. However, there is nothing new under the sun: Joseph's brethren were blind to his identity and he stood right before them!
Since you go to a Reform "temple" in a self-imposed exile, failing to follow Judaism to the Jewish homeland of Israel - I'm not surprised this BIBLICAL TRUTH floors you. You undoubtedly still assume Judaism is nothing about race, in complete contradiction to the facts on the ground. Regardless if you remain in denial, these things remain true: The Bible is an ethnocentric book with its focus on the family of Jacob; there are Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Lost Ten Tribes are ethnic peoples, Joseph isn't Jewish, it's the Promised Land of ISRAEL (named after an ethnic, tribal, patriarch) with biblical border definitions (which is why even secular Jews were wise enough to reject Uganda), and Israel and Judah are to ultimately become, collectively speaking, One Nation Under God, a truly United Kingdom.
Certainly NONE of the prophecies about becoming a GREAT NATION and a COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS, world powers, breadbaskets of the world, have been fulfilled in little Judah.
Your faithless kind must be who columnist Shmuel Schnitzer lamented as the new Jewish people who are "preparing to deny our [Jewish] rights, both the divine promise and in terms of REFERRING TO THE LAND BY THE NAME OF ITS PEOPLE, "The Land of Israel' -- a land which belongs to the Children of Israel, from then and to eternity...".
Years ago Mr. Schnitzer questioned, in the Israeli newspaper Maariv, “[W]hat kind of Jewish people will this be with no attachment to its land, without all the places of the book of Joshua, the wonderful vistas there, without the intensity of the prophetic vision, without the heritage of our fighters who spilt their blood for the country which was promised them and their descendants?” (Sept. 14, 1994). (excerpt from Do the Jews Belong in the Land of Israel?)
American Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel detained
"This reminds us of the case of the American Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel, who was imprisoned for allegedly trying to destroy the Dome of the Rock, to make way for the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple. Ben-Ariel repeatedly declared that he was there only to protest, not to destroy the mosque.
Attorney Naftali Wurtzberger, who defended Federman, also represented David Ben-Ariel during his trial in Israeli High Court and Jerusalem's Municipal Court. Ben-Ariel is now free and back in the United States. Yet, the Israeli government determined that Ben-Ariel cannot visit Israel, although he might be eligible to return in 2005. Why not deport the leaders of terrorist groups who are living, apparently with more rights, in Judea, Samaria and Gaza?"
- Is Administrative Detention Just?
Political charges...
Ben Ariel was not arrested on political charges...

Friday, January 29, 2010
Pork isn't good for you!
#6. To: beyond the sea (#0)
Argentines are among the world's biggest consumers of red meat, and most people here stubbornly reject the idea of replacing beef with chicken, pork or other meats. Despite Argentina lying along rich South Atlantic fisheries, seafood is rarely seen on dinner tables.
I didn't realize how much beef Argentina produces until I lived in Israel and worked as a volunteer for various kibbutzim (see God-given love for the Jews) in the kitchen (among elsewhere) and saw it stamped on the boxes. Being American, I thought most beef was from our beloved country. Maybe it is, haven't really checked it out.
Our Great Creator God blesses beef, chicken and certain seafood, so Bible-believing Christians and Jews should stubbornly reject any promotion of pork or other unclean foods that definitely aren't good for you, despite what serpents pimp.
Jesus Upheld the Biblical Dietary Laws
Unclean traditional Christianity has misled many with their lack of understanding of the Bible as a whole. They often take Scriptures out of context and totally twist their meanings, like they do when it comes to abusing Matthew 15 and slaughtering it to teach we can now eat anything.
Unclean Christianity vs. Peter's Vision
Unclean traditional Christianity teaches the religious lie that Jesus "did away with" the dietary laws, sinning against both God and man (1 John 2:4; Matt 5:17-20).
Is All Animal Flesh Good Food?
Were all animals made clean? What about the unclean animals shown to Peter in a vision? Here is a straightforward Bible answer, giving the New Testament teaching. This subject is important to your health and well-being!
D.C. court case demands Obama explain eligibility
January 29, 2010
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
A prominent attorney who has shepherded a number of high-profile legal cases challenging Barack Obama'seligibility to be president has brought a "Quo Warranto" case to district court in Washington, D.C., alleging his allegiances have included Britain, Kenya and Indonesia.
A Quo Warranto action, first recorded some 800 years ago, essentially is a demand to know by what authority a public figure is acting. The case, brought by California attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of herself, was assigned to Chief Judge Royce Lamberth.
Taitz told WND that in a separate action she has filed a notice of appeal with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals of the dismissal of a case she brought on behalf of Ambassador Alan Keyes and dozens of other individuals in California challenging Obama's eligibility...
Her filing in Washington asks:
What is Respondent Obama's standard and burden of proof of his birthplace under Quo Warranto and ethical duties? – Considering Obama's first cousin Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya, sealed alleged records of Obama's birth in Mombasa; while the state of Hawaii holds Obama's 'original' sealed birth records, allows registration of births out of state, allows registration based on a statement of one relative only without any corroborating evidence and seals original birth records.
Does the state of Hawaii's withholding Respondent Obama's original birth records by privacy laws breach the U.S. Constitution by obstructing [people who want to] challenge, validate and evaluate qualifications of presidential candidates based on legally acceptable … records.
Does the restrictive qualification for president of 'natural born citizen' over 'citizen' include allegiance to the U.S.A. from birth without any foreign allegiance, as required of the commander in chief in time of war to preserve the Republic, including birth within the jurisdiction of the U.S.A. to parents who both had U.S. citizenship at that birth, and having retained that undivided loyalty?
Does birth to or adoption by a non-citizen father or mother incur foreign allegiance sufficient to negate being a 'natural born citizen' and disqualify a candidate from becoming president?
Other questions relate to a candidate's responsibility to provide documentation of their qualifications under the Constitution's requirements...
Click here to continue
President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A foolish woman is clamorous...
#156. To: Sweetjustusnow (#150)
Proverbs 9:13
13 A foolish woman is clamorous; She is simple, and knows nothing.
Why not go educate yourself to what a truly holy woman should live like and strive to be rather than be such a busybody with all your idle chatter and plagiarism? You don't have to remain proud and stubborn in your idolatry and iniquity. You can repent of rejecting the Word of the Lord for your religious lies, and GET SOBER so you stop babbling your traditional nonsense like other Christian reprobates, Catholics and Protestants, drunks and whores.
Revelation 17
2...drunk with the wine of her fornication...having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. 5 And on her forehead a name was written:
1 Samuel 15:23
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He also has rejected you...
Proverbs 31: A Model for Today's Woman
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New Homestead Act?
It is the hateful, murderous and covetous Arabs who steal and occupy too much of the Jewish Homeland. Remember the Promised Land of Israel includes GREATER ISRAEL (Eretz Yisrael HaShlema), much of which presently lies under a sea of Arabs, waiting to be reclaimed and liberated from Arab occupation. The sooner Israel evicts the Arab squatters, removes the Nazi-Muslim threat such sworn enemies present, and the sooner the US realizes the terrorist Arab regimes are not our friends, and acts accordingly, wholeheartedly supporting Israel's expulsion of Arabs (not Jewish pioneers and faithful settlers] - THE BETTER.
"We The People" (Israel and Judah) could also agree to some new Homestead Act where those Jews and British-Israelites - White Israelites - who so desire, whose spirit our Great Creator inspires as He did our forefathers (Israel in the Isles), can receive worthy incentives to settle our biblical inheritance that will have been cleared for them of wild beasts, peace through strength, to take root and grow and prosper in our Holy Land of ISRAEL, bearing fruit that glorifies God and blesses the entire world.
When Yeshua returns and reigns as the King of the Jews, He will see to this complete defeat and relocation of the enemies of God and Israel if we've failed to do as Moses commands. Rest assured!
It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.
Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways
Genesis 15: 18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants [through Isaac] I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates: 19 the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, 21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites."
Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
The teleprompter president will read tonight...
Ron Paul is a realist concerning Haiti
#107. To: fifty yard line (#0)
Is he really THAT racist?
Ron Paul is not racist (even though that's his prerogative, isn't it?), but like those who love our Constitution, he is a REALIST. He recognizes hard-earned American tax-dollars were produced by and for Americans.
The president usurper, Emperor Obama, and other politicians must stop being generous with OUR money! Furthermore, it's racist to impose "white guilt" and demand we must continue to shoulder the White Man's Burden.
Let West Africans help Haiti to help themselves.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Replacement Theology Refuted!
God first revealed Himself to "the Fathers" and promised to be their God and the God of their descendants. The rest of mankind was "temporarily" left in the dark and to their own devices.
God drafted the Twelve Tribes of Israel to become His Servant Nation. Moses rejoiced in ISRAEL'S UNIQUE CREATION (Deut.4:32-34).
The Great Creator God had never chosen any other people to represent Him. He had never inducted any other nation into His international service. He had never revealed Himself and entrusted His "Instruction Manual for Mankind," His holy Law and Word, His Divine Constitution, to any other nation or people in history!
Of physical Israel, God declares: "You only have I known of all the families of the earth" (Amos 3:2), and "He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; And as for His judgments, they have not known them. Praise the LORD!" (Ps. 147:19-20).
Yes, God ordained Israel to serve as His Custodian of Divine Revelation, specifically the Jews who have been entrusted with the oracles of God (Rom. 3:1-2). And please note that this was written after the Church of God was founded and Jesus had given certain authority to his apostles.
The lying proponents of "replacement theology" deny that there's any advantage to being a Jew or an Israelite. The apostle Paul, under inspiration, strongly disagrees! He wisely continues Jesus' recognition of the Jews' God-given authority: "The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do" (Matt. 23:2-3). And Moses prophesied that the Jews are to retain their God-given authority until Christ restores Israel as "One Nation Under God."
Moses didn't say that Gentiles or the Church had any right to covet or steal that responsibility from the Jews: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, UNTIL Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" (Gen. 49:10). Jesus didn't do that at His first coming, which is why His disciples asked Him after His resurrection and just before His ascension: "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6). The King of the Jews will accomplish that divine mission when He returns.
God formed Israel as His Holy Nation, instructed them as His Son, and inducted them into His Divine Service. They received a special calling to become a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, a MODEL NATION, a LIGHT TO ALL NATIONS. God decreed Israel would be "above [not equal to] all people, And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation" (Ex. 19:5-6).
NO OTHER NATION CAN COMPARE TO GOD'S RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL AND HIS REVELATION TO THEM! (Deut. 4:5-8). Please understand that this utterly unique relationship and revelation is what made Israel great, it wasn't something inherent within them. It was a gift and a blessing they had received from God, despite themselves. It wasn't because they were any better than anybody else; it wasn't because of their race; it was because of GOD'S PURPOSE AND GRACE (Deut. 7:7-8; 9:5; Matt. 3:9; Rom. 3:23; 9:10-18).
The apostle Paul wrote to Church brethren, about their different gifts and calling (they weren't all equal): "For who makes thee to differ from another? And what do you have that you didn't receive? Now if you received it, why do you glory, as if you hadn't received it?" (1 Cor. 4:7). It is by God's design that individuals and nations should have different and distinct gifts and callings. We must respect diversity - not destroy it!
It is our Heavenly Father who directs and establishes us where we belong in His plan, whether it's in the family, Church or among the nations (Deut. 32:8). Who are we to question His wisdom or to quarrel about positions? (Isa. 45:9-10; Matt. 20:23; 1 Cor. 12:18). Jesus is the Firstborn of many brethren, the Church is the collective firstfruits of humanity, and ISRAEL IS THE FIRSTBORN OF MANY NATIONS! In fact, Isaiah 19:25 pronounces: "Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance." God has dealt with those three nations more than any others on earth. That is His choice and prerogative. But for now, God has privately tutored Israel like He commands fathers to teach their sons (Deut. 6:7).
God has never referred to any other nation as His Son! Only Israel has that honor: "Thou art my Son" (Ps. 2:7), and "When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt" (Hos. 11:1). We're the little boy that will show the way to the whole world, once God has subdued our sins, conquered our enemies and changed their bestial natures to befriend us (Micah 7:19-20; Isa. 11:6; Zech. 8:23).
We need to grow up and we will. Israel has been given a head-start in spiritual education, a special advantage, compared to others. We're not yet mature as a grown man but at least we're a child while others are still acting like animals! (Lev. 26:22; Rev. 13:18). Nevertheless, "I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light to the Gentiles; I am the LORD and my glory will I not give to another" (Isa. 42:6,8).
God will faithfully fulfill His purpose for calling physical Israel. He will finish what He's started with our nation! He won't offer that opportunity to any other! God promises, despite the demonic doctrine of replacement theology: "This people [Israel] have I formed for myself: they shall show forth my praise" (Isa. 43:21). Not Germany or Italy or Ethiopia! Do we believe God? Do we doubt He's capable of redeeming Israel? Replacement theology doesn't trust God and denies His saving power! It attempts to limit the Holy One of Israel!
God refers to future events as if they had already happened, since He knows He'll bring them to pass! (Rom. 4:17). Israel is the first nation that God has called out of spiritual Babylon, but they're only the first and not the last. God has called physical Israel to prepare them to serve as a CONVERTED NATION with but under His brilliant Kingdom of God-Beings, just like the GLORIFIED CHURCH is destined to serve as immortal Priest-Kings, with but under Christ! (Rev. 3:21; 20:6).
ISRAEL WILL BE THE FIRST NATION TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT!(Ezek. 39:29; Isa. 44:3). Then we'll share our spiritual blessings with all mankind: "But ye [Israel] shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God; And [Israel's] seed [physical descendants] shall be known among the Gentiles, and their [literal] offspring among the people: all that see them shall [finally] ACKNOWLEDGE THEM, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed" (Isa. 61:6,9; Isa. 60:14). And at that time the tribes of Israel will acknowledge Judah for faithful service (Gen. 49:8, Zech. 8:23).
Christ will rule from Jerusalem as Israel's God-King, and yet there will also be a human prince and other mortals reigning under Him (Jer. 30:21; 33:26; Ezek. 46; Zech. 14:16). Likewise, internationally, the human nation of Israel will rule with but under the divine Kingdom-Family of God, and Zadok's physical descendants will faithfully serve in the Temple at headquarters (Ezek. 44:15).
All of the above glorifies God for his tender mercies and faithfulness to our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It reveals that "with God all things are possible." It confirms that "I would not, [Gentile] brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so, all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: for this is my covenant with them, when I shall take away their sins; as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), FOR THE GIFTS AND CALLING OF GOD ARE IRREVOCABLE" (Rom. 11:25-29).
Those who foolishly push replacement theology are "wise in their own conceits." They have shamefully twisted the Scriptures that refer to spiritual Jews, to spiritual Jerusalem, the spiritual Temple and spiritual Israel - that generously admits repentant Gentiles into the SPIRITUAL COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL - to spiritualize away God's faithful promises to physical Israel! Now that they've been admitted, they jealously want to exclude Judah and usurp Israel from their rightful place in God's plan! (Rom. 11:24). Individual Israelites may fall away, converted Gentiles grafted in, but the NATION OF ISRAEL is here to stay!
"O LORD, why have made us to stray from Your ways, and hardened our heart from Your fear? Return for Your servants' sake, the tribes of Your inheritance... We are thine: thou never barest rule over them [Gentiles]; they were not called by thy name" (Isa. 63:17-19).
Some Gentiles have forgotten that God hasn't called Israel to become spiritual Gentiles, but has called everyone to become spiritual Israelites! They've forgotten that ISRAEL IS THE HOLY ROOT to which they've become attached. Paul warned them: "Boast not against the branches. But if you boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee" (Rom. 11:18).
They forget that the Church is CONVERTED ISRAEL that embraces righteous Gentiles. They've ignored the biblical principle of DUALITY. That there's the physical and there's the spiritual, and that both have their ordained place. Satan is the one who would love to spiritualize Israel away into oblivion. He wants God to break His promises to physical Israel and let them die in a spiritual holocaust!
However, God refuses to forget His physical people Israel and His holy purpose for them! "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee" (Isa. 49:14-15; Jer. 31:20).
We're supposed to ENCOURAGE ISRAEL TO REMEMBER THEIR ROOTS AND JUDAH HIS RESPONSIBILITY BEFORE GOD, not discourage them. Nevertheless, God remembers them and places His special protective seal upon 144,000 Israelites before the Day of the Lord (Rev. 7:4), and purposely names the 12 gates of the New Jerusalem after the 12 Tribes! (Rev. 21:12). This ought to prove that Israel remains first and foremost in God's Mind (Zech. 2:8). After all, salvation is to the Jew first and then to the Gentile (Acts 3:26; Rom. 1:16).
Paul addresses the nonsense of those who would belittle Israel by asking, "Has God cast away his people? GOD FORBID!" He goes on to show that God has always graciously preserved an ISRAELITE REMNANT, a "holy lump," even when He permitted the majority of Israel to go astray so that He could meanwhile recruit Gentiles (Rom. 11:1,5,16).
Those who preach the polluted propaganda of replacement theology would say physical Israel doesn't matter any more, but Paul clearly fought against such damnable lies! He also reminded his Gentile audience that it's the Israelites who were given everything from the holy Land Covenant to the Law (Rom. 9:4-5).
Those who preach Satan's lies against Israel had better read and believe and take warning! God says, despite Israel's horrible sins, "I WILL NOT CAST THEM AWAY, nor will I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God. But for their sakes I will remember the covenant of their [physical] ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the LORD" (Lev. 26:44-45).
And with physical Israel and Judah, God promises to enter into a new or renewed covenant: "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a NEW COVENANT with the House of Israel, and with the House of Judah" (Jer. 31:31). God also states emphatically that just as surely as the sun, moon and stars continue to shine, "If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a NATION before me forever. Thus saith the LORD: If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD" (Jer. 31:35-37).
Again, God has heard the lies of those who say that He's spiritualized away His precious promises, that the TWO PHYSICAL FAMILIES OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH (and literal descendants of David and Levi) aren't important anymore, and says such blasphemers "Have despised my people, that they should be no more a NATION before them. Thus saith the LORD; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth; Then will I cast away the SEED of Jacob (unconverted Israel), and David my servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be RULERS over the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them" (Jer.33:17-26).
GOD'S WORD STANDS: Those who deny it will be history! "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" (Malachi 3:6). God will keep His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to their physical descendants: Israel will become His model nation, His Kingdom of Priests and His light to all nations (Lk. 1:68-75). We can bet our lives on it!
Replacement Theology Refuted!
Israel Today
Top US diplomat refuses to let Israeli security inspect American vehicles because 'settlers may be among them' more»
Experts warn Israel only slightly better prepared for major earthquake than Haiti was more»
Palestinians disappointed by lack of US pressure on Israel to meet new demands; Israelis blame Obama for raising expectations more»
Lebanon says Israel may attack, but Israelis say tension is over-hyped; France believes Iran could create escalation more»
223 Haitians received life-saving surgery at Israeli field hospital, 10 babies were delivered; rescue teams saved tens of survivors from rubble more»
Monday, January 25, 2010
The racist and smug NAACP!
#4. To: Victorian Lady (#1)
this promotes a certain arrogance that I find unbearable
Sounds like he's talking about racist organizations like the NAACP and the black monologue on race! They're all so smug and need knocked down to size and put back in their place (Africa), so help us God. It's insane we ever empowered them in any manner, shape or form. It was to our own demise and the destruction of our culture, as raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and besieged South
Africa testify as two witnesses.
Race Matters
The Plain Truth About Race And Responsibility
Revealing Moment for America
We begin with an Israeli like me, Ami Meshulum.
Rabbi's Son Plans to Sue Israel at ICC in The Hague
25/12/2009 02:35:44 PM GMT
Ami Meshulam, the son of Rabbi Uzi Meshulam, who is seeking political asylum in Canada, plans to sue Israel at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
I met Ami in 1997 when he was eleven. His mother had invited me to their home to convince me to meet her husband Uzi, in prison. I counted 62 bullet holes in their living room. The Israeli police and army tried to kill everyone in the room, including eleven year old Ami.
Uzi Meshulam led a campaign against the Israeli establishment which demanded an investigation into the disappearance of the children of Yemen in the late 1950s. In May 1994 he entrenched with his followers for a month and a half in his home in the city of Yehud. During a police raid on the house one of his followers was killed in a fire exchange.
There was no firefight. One unarmed congregant, Shlomi Asoulin was shot by a sniper. He was taken to police lines where he was allowed to bleed to death. The children did not "disappear." They were kidnapped and Rabbi Meshulum told me why. It took four years of research until I believed him.
Meshulam was sentenced to eight years in prison and his disciples were also given jail time. After five years in prison his sentence was reduced by then-President Ezer Weizman. Meshulam never resumed his public campaign due to his poor health condition.
Poor health? Rabbi Meshulum left when he was lobotomized. I accepted his wife's invitation and went down six levels of the prison to Rabbi Meshulum's dungeon. He blasted loud music on his radio-tape and told me why he couldn't unite the kidnapped children with their biological parents. "I'm waiting until the parents die," he said. "A few were adopted but most died in horrific atomic experiments in America. In the early fifties the Americans needed human guinea pigs to test radiation and the head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission, Shimon Peres, wanted an atomic bomb. He traded our babies for formulas."
Ami Meshulam told Ynet, "We will claim that Israel is committing crimes against the people of Israel and a group within it. The Canadians are interested in reviewing the many evidence of the fact that, contrary to common belief, Israel is not a democratic country."
In 1994, Peres had just signed the Oslo "peace" treaty and it would be endangered if he was exposed as the mass murderer of Yemenite children. So he stomped out the movement for truth with all the powers of the state. Ami Meshulum is rightfully calling into question Israel's claim to be a democracy. Unless he proves that he is endangered if he returns to Israel, Canada will not grant him refuge.
He says that the State has been persecuting him for wishing to follow in his father's footsteps and expose the children of Yemen affair.Meshulam left Israel four years ago for Montreal, and his fourth
daughter was born there. He is seeking political asylum and the local immigration authorities are currently debating whether he can be regarded as a refugee.
Thus far, six hearings were held during which four witnesses on behalf of Meshulam appeared, including Dr. Shoshana Madmoni-Gerber, a
specialist on ethnic discrimination.
I interviewed Ms. Madmoni-Gerber. By then the crime of Peres and the Americans had expanded both in scope and public exposure. The American Army supplied Israel with seven x-ray machines to be used in a crime even greater than the kidnapping of the Yemenite children. During the Fifties, ALL Sephardic children were declared Scalpal Ringworm patients and their heads were blasted with 350 times the permitted human dose of X-rays. The brain cells of an entire generation of Sephardic children, 108,000 in total, were deformed by massive doses of gamma rays. 6000 died in the first year of their "operations."
The current hearing's second stage will commence in February 2010. Meshulam's attorney William Sloan noted that his client's main assertion in applying for political asylum is his fear of the Shin
Bet and the pressure that has been put on him to leave Israel.
Ami Meshulum and I are blood brothers. I proved that Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in an internal coup led by Shimon Peres. The Shin Bet tried to shut me up and like Rabbi Uzi Meshulum, inadvertently got the truth out broadly. Then Peres organized the brain-murder of Ariel Sharon and I spotted the usual MO of his assassinations. They did not want me working on another of their murders so, beginning in December 2005, I got the Uzi Meshulum treatment; rigged trials, a stroke, and dead and revived in a deliberate car "accident." And like Ami Meshulum, I ran to North America for my life. The Yemenite Children are mostly dead and their assassin is now President of Israel. Rabin, Sharon are mostly dead, and their assassin resides in the President's House in Jerusalem. If you're looking for a tale of justice, you won't find it here.
But if you think Israel's enemies don't know about the kidnapping of the Yemenite children, look at the Israeli reaction to Turkey spreading the word:
Turkey's continuing warming of relations with Iran, Syria and Lebanon comes as leading Israeli media have criticized Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon for disparaging the Turkish ambassador to Israel. Ayalon voiced anger at the envoy on Monday over a Turkish soap opera that spread a blood libel against Israel by depicting Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) agents as kidnappers of babies.
The Israeli intelligence agencies have their own MO, they arrange patsies for their dirty work. I learned their methods when two assets exposed many of them to me in 2001. I wrote my interview in a piece called, "They're Talking," leading quickly to the murder of the agent the Shabak assumed was the source of my knowledge:
An Israeli General Security Service agent - 45 year-old Col. Yehuda Edri of Ma'ale Adumim - today became the latest victim of the ongoing PLO mini-war against Israel. Traveling with his bodyguards this morning along on the Tunnels Road in Gush Etzion, Edri was on his way to meet with an Arab contact with whom he had worked for some time... And because the information is proving accurate, suspicions have been raised by the murder of a Military Intelligence/Shabak colonel, Yehuda Edri, two days after the posting was released. For one day, both Haaretz and Hatsofe published the truth of the assassination, then they stopped. Edri met his Arab informer outside Jerusalem and was shot by him. This should not have happened. Edri was travelling with two bodyguards. Neither searched the informer before he approached Edri. In fact, neither left the car to take up protective positions. The bodyguards let Edri get murdered. One bodyguard was shot by a bullet aimed at Edri, while the assailant chose not to shoot a seemingly helpless bodyguard seated in the backseat of the car. He shot and killed the informer. Edri was a religious Jew living in the "settlement" of Maaleh Adumim. He was assassinated under most suspicious circumstances. We hope it was not because someone thought he was one of the people who passed on the information in, They're Talking.
I have buried in my subconscious the ugly fact that once I knew how the agencies worked, and could spot one of their patsy plots, that people died because I quickly exposed the operation. In 2004 Judge Adi Azar was making the PLO pay for their terrorism and was effectively bankrupting terrorism. This, the peace team would not allow, so a ridiculous patsy was found and he was represented by attorney David Weiner. I spoke to a large crowd in Jerusalem, which included a large group of soldiers in uniform and others who weren't. After explaining the plot in full, within 17 hours Weiner "killed himself." And just two weeks before his wedding:
Thursday, Dec. 30/04, I gave a lecture in Jerusalem about the murders of Raful Eitan and Judge Adi Azar. The next night, the attorney for the government's chief suspect in the Azar murder, David Weiner, is shot in the head in his home. A note was found by the body stating that Weiner wanted to prove he was being honest in his handling of the Azar case.
Weiner was killed so the truth would have no chance of being told. A police inspector named Dubi, from Bet El, was luckier. He is alive. He sought me out and with great courage told me he was the assistant forensic investigator for the Hebron massacre of Feb. 1994, during which 51 Arabs were slaughtered. "I tested the bullets," he said. "All of them. I compared them to Goldstein's rifle. Not a one was a match. I don't know how it happened or what was done, but Goldstein didn't shoot anyone."
By the time of the Gush Katif pullout in 2005, I was breathing the patsy tricks, the phoney settler leaders, the set-up acts of violence by the Jews; I knew them all as if I had planned them. If the pullout was in exchange for some sort, any sort of peace treaty, it could have been explained. But it was just an act of raw, unbridled revenge against the settlers. So I went to Gaza week after week, until days before the army removed the residents and I warned them to stand up and fight. I warned them that they would be made paupers with no compensation. I told them the government views you as the enemy and is heartless.
I may as well have stayed home. The Jews still live is shabby mobile homes and their homes are now missile launching pads.
And now, new victims are on the way. And nothing I can say, do, or write will stop what is about to happen to them. If you live in half of Jerusalem, anywhere in Judea and're next. After you, everyone in their turn. And worst of all, there is no sorting out the mess. The Jews don't understand that their people have been infiltrated. And they won't even try to understand.
I was close friends with Rabbi Marvin Antelman for 25 years. In 1974 he wrote a book called To Eliminate The Opiate. Within, he claimed that the roots of Labor Zionism was an anti-Jewish movement called Sabbatainism. He phoned me once a week for the contemporary news. I didn't know he was utilizing me for his own understanding of the Sabbataians. It took me over 20 years to finally understand that he was right; we had been infiltrated by poseurs.
These poseurs were at work last Christmas with another of their patsy plots; this time letting a Nigerian blow up his pants on a plane to Detroit. I knew how it was done out of long experience with Israeli intelligence tricks and I stand by every word I wrote. However, this time, I was accused of being an anti-semite at worst, or a self-hating Jew at, ahem, best. Look at the nice Israeli doctors in Haiti. That is Israel. Detroit was Islam.
No, both were Israeli, the good and the very awful. I am a watchdog and not by design. I have never said a kind word about Israel's enemies. They need their own watchdogs. The many radio shows that interview me are all strongly pro-Israel. The antis long ago learned I wasn't going to play ball with their prejudices. We all want the doctors in Haiti to stay, and the Israeli establishment to grow up, tell the truth, or get out of our lives. And in a hurry.
Now a serious announcement. The depression has got to me and you are in danger of me giving up. I don't know if you realize that the Royal Bank Of Scotland went belly up, and their safe stocks are now worth zero. That is where my Israeli family's future was stored. And they are now bankrupt. These savings were for my children's future, their higher education. And it's now gone.
For the past 14 years, my closest readers bought my books, my DVDs, offered donations, read my paid newsletter. In the past 4 months the letters of apology have come in; I was fired, I'm in overdraft, they're making us move...And my income went with them. In the past two months, I began to feel their loss personally. But something happened to give me an out.
My good friend Baruch diligently tracked down the police report of the accident that almost killed me. It is a ghastly lie. If only an Israeli attorney would handle this case, I would return to Israel and, once again, fight for my truth. But unless I have protection, I will never set foot in that deadly-to-me land. If you can help, let me know.
Meanwhile, I never ask for a free ride. I'll offer three DVDs/CDs: Media Madness In The Middle East, NBC And Lebanon and the amazing CD of Chapter One of my new book The conPromised Land, read with gusto by Paul Henry. That way, you won't have to buy:
My new book, THE conPROMISED LAND
can be ordered direct from the publisher
Unless you want to.
ALL THREE for $20 plus postage. Or substitute the new four hour Hebrew DVD, including the secret diplomacy of Israel. Write
I will not alienate my readers over money pressure. If you are not affected by the coming Depression, order or in any other way pitch in:
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
More Holocaust hypocrisy from Netanyahu and Peres
PM speaks at opening of exhibition showing original blueprints of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp
Peres to address Germany parliament in Hebrew on Holocaust Day
The hypocrisy of Benjamin Netanyahu's UN speech
Shimon Peres Rebuked!
Holocaust Hypocrisy!
Beyond Babylon honors Meir Kahane
It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.
Thoughts on Meir Kahane...
The idea that Jew-hatred was the problem of the Jew-hater and that it was the job of the Jew to "educate" the Jew-hater not to manifest that hatred - expressed in the following Talmudic dictum "he who raises his hand to bless you, bless him first; he who raises his hand to kill you, kill him first" - was truly liberating for me, who had always been taught that "good Jewish boys don't fight".
Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Israel must make concessions, Israel must do this, Israel must do that, while the Arabs continue to get away with mass murder and terrorism (while promising peace and feigning ignorance), aided and abetted by the international community...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Does the United States Appear in Bible Prophecy?
Small nations like Egypt, Jordan and Libya are found in Bible prophecies of the time of the end. But what about the major English-speaking countries like the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia? Are they absent from Bible prophecy, or do we just not know where to look?
...Jacob told His son Joseph that his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, would grow to become great powers on earth, not in a tiny portion of the Middle East. Conveying to them the promises originally given to Abraham (and later expanded), he said, "Bless the lads; let my name be named upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth" (Genesis 48:16)...
...Jacob revealed that the descendants of Joseph would become two great peoples—brother nationalities. Those descended through his son Manasseh would become a great people, while those who would come through his other son, Ephraim, would become a group or multitude of nations (Genesis 48:19). Both would dominate the earth as no others in history.
Thus, through them would be fulfilled the earlier promise to Jacob of a nation and company of nations. But have the prophecies of Israel's global greatness been fulfilled? Yes—by two geopolitical powers on the world stage that have defined global greatness for the last two centuries.
Descended from Ephraim was the group of nations that formed out of the greatest empire the world has ever seen, the British Empire.
It ruled over five times the territory of the Roman Empire, and four times the number of people. Its territory encompassed almost a quarter of the earth's population and surface, including many of its most fertile and productive regions. Meanwhile, the Royal Navy ruled the seas. Out of this power came the British-descended countries of the Commonwealth of Nations—Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
From Manasseh came the great single nation. Its people dwelt with the Ephraimites in Great Britain until it was time for their separation through westward colonization and a war for independence—the American Revolution, by which came the formation of the United States...
Click here to continue
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Are America's Superpower Days Numbered?
One of the consequences of the financial upheaval of the past 18 months is that Europe is now richer than North America. The accumulated national wealth of North Americans has dropped by 21.8 percent while Europe's fell by only 5.8 percent, "down to 22.2 trillion euros—a quarter of the globe's total wealth" ("Europe Now Richer Than North America," BusinessWeek, Sept. 16, 2009).
Since great wealth is necessary for global power, could Europe be on the verge of taking over from the United States?
Bible prophecy shows that a new, European centered superpower will exist immediately before Jesus Christ's return. It will be a great commercial system whose trade dominates the world.
It's no coincidence that all 27 member countries of the European Union have signed the Lisbon Treaty, uniting Europe more than ever before with its own president and foreign minister collectively representing all member nations.
Its currency, the euro, is now valued at 1½ times the U.S. dollar and is used by more people. With more than 500 million citizens, the EU is the world's biggest single market and by far the world's greatest trading power. Having now surpassed the United States in economic power, could it soon replace America as the world's foremost political and military power?
Click here to continue
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
3 dozen lawmakers want proof of Obama eligibility
Proposal would demand state officials independently verify information
January 18, 2010
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Lawmakers in Arizona have proposed a law that would require state officials to begin independently verifying the accuracy of newly required documents affirming the constitutional eligibility of any candidate for the U.S. presidency.
"Certainly, there has been controversy over President Obama and his birth certificate, where he was born, etc.," state Sen. Sylvia Allen, R-Snowflake, told the Arizona Capitol Times. "It just makes sense and will stop any controversy in the future to just show you are a natural born citizen."
She is one of about three dozen lawmakers to sign on as co-sponsors.
The plan would accomplish essentially the same thing as that proposed by Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., on the federal level.
The provisions of Posey's H.R. 1503 are straightforward:
"To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution."
The bill also provides:
"Congress finds that under … the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years."
Click here to continue
Monday, January 18, 2010
Race matters whether folks admit it or not
#7. To: Victorian Lady (#2)
Africans need to help Africans, Asians need to help Asians, Mexicans need to help Mexicans, Whites need to help Whites and ALL need to stay in their own nations.
Race matters whether folks want to acknowledge it or remain in denial, until it's too late.
Diversity Demands: Segregate NOW!
God bless us all to live within the designated borders of diverse nations our Great Creator has decreed for us, all revolving around the 12 Tribes of Israel whom God alone has called to ultimately become His Servant Nation, a light to all nations, a truly United Kingdom, One Nation Under God.
Deuteronomy 32:8
8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel.
Acts 17:26
26 And [although] He [God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth [we're all human]... [yet He] has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings...
FATHER GOD KNOWS BEST, don't you agree?
Pat Robertson on Haiti: A Bible Fact Check (Good News Video Commentary)
What Haiti is guilty of is refusing to take responsibility for their own affairs and always depending on the White Man to restore order and think for them but they don't want us to remain - then we'd be "racist" and "imperialist" and they want to be free - and free of the responsibility that comes with independence!
Let Haiti help themselves
Do West Africans have particular reason to help Haitians?
Do West Africans have particular reason to help Haitians?
Do West Africans have particular reason to help Haitians?
A wonderful idea! A wonderful opportunity for Haiti to help themselves. Has anyone other than Senegal’s President Abdoulaye Wade offered the Haitians this opportunity to repatriate? And did they offer it during Katrina too? And if not, why not?
Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
"Dr." Martin Luther King, Jr. exposed as a fraud!
Allegations: Plagiarism in college and graduate school papers, including his doctoral dissertation on "A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman"; Verbatim thefts also discovered in political speeches including the famous "I Have a Dream" speech (see Pappas' Plagiarism and the Culture War, Hallberg revised and expanded version, p. 133)
It was the British press which first broke the news with regard to King's plagiarism, an indication of just how sensitive an issue this was for American newspapers. An article in the December 3rd (1989) edition of the Sunday Telegraph by Frank Johnson asked, "Martin Luther King--Was He a Plagiarist?"
But it was not until November 9, 1990 that a major U.S. media outlet released the story on King's plagiarism--even though this story had been known for over a year in the newsrooms of major newspapers. In the U.S., The Wall Street Journal was the first to go public with a front page article entitled, "To Their Dismay, King Scholars Find a Troubling Pattern--Civil Rights Leader was Lax in Attributing Some Parts of His Academic Papers".
This story was definitely a hot potato--too hot to handle for the same institutions which had "lionized" and deified a mere mortal.
The response of academia was particularly appalling:
"They lied, they told half-truths, they made up fables, they did everything they could but address facts. In the face of their own university's rules against plagiarism, Boston University's academic authorities and professors somehow found excuses for King's plagiarism. They found extenuating circumstances . . . they compromised their own university's integrity . . . [and] called into question the very standing of the university as a place where cheating is penalized and misrepresentation condemned" (Jacob Neusner, in the Foreward to Theodore Pappas' The Martin Luther King, Jr., Plagiarism Story).
There were scores of responses written after these discoveries of verbatim theft by King, basically in defense of plagiarism. As Neusner notes, "To defend King's plagiarism, plagiarism finds itself cleaned up and made a virtue of blacks". Authors such as Keith Miller used the black preaching tradition and "oral culture" as an excuse for King's somehow having been held to a lower academic standard than what might have been expected of whites at a place such as Boston University in the 1950s.
Critics such as Barry Gross delivered a scathing indictment of the scholarly incompetence at Boston University which led to King's receiving a PhD awarded for a dissertation containing extensive amounts of plagiarism. Compounding the incompetence, the plagiarism in King's dissertation on "A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman" was from another theology student (Jack Boozer) who had had the same advisor as King just three years previously, namely Professor L. Harald De Wolff.
Gross delivers some pretty damning speculations as to why De Wolff never noticed or responded to King's plagiarism of Boozer:
"So how did King's plagiarism get by? Well, there are three possibilities: Professor De Wolff neglected to read either or both theses, in which case he was incompetent, or Professor De Wolff read them both and failed to notice the plagiarism, in which case, also, he was incompetent, or Professor De Wolff noticed the plagiarism but did not think it serious enough to mention, in which case, too, he was incompetent. There is a fourth hypothesis that is possibly even more damning: that Professor De Wolff noticed the plagiarism but did not think it mattered for a black man destined to be a preacher to be held to a rigorous scholarly standard" (From Gross's review of The Martin Luther King, Jr. Plagiarism Story).
The final hypothesis mentioned by Gross seems to be quite plausible since Theodore Pappas alludes in his work to rumours suggesting that King had, in fact, been advised by his dissertation committee to cite his sources according to academic convention. Quite unfortunately, he did not do this, and his dissertation committee never followed up to see if their advice had been heeded, if, in fact, such advice had ever been given.
Shortly after the stonewalling and coverup attempted by those overseeing the King Papers Project (Clayborne Carson of Stanford University, and Ralph Luker of Emory University), two important books were published by Theodore Pappas: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Plagiarism Story and Plagiarism and the Culture War. In the years since the discovery of King's plagiaries, a number of other excellent research projects have resulted in dissertations and reports on different aspects of the plagiaries of Martin Luther King, Jr.
What this ongoing research seems to most clearly portray is not just the shortcomings of Martin Luther King, Jr. himself, but the failures of academia in confronting intellectual fraud and in holding scholars to high standards of academic integrity whatever their racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.
Click here to continue
All the more reason to question: Martin Luther King Day?
Why are the most degenerate despots disproportionately black?
Let Haiti help themselves
Unfortunately Haiti's history since its violent birth left 24,000 French colonists and 100,000 Haitians of African ancestry dead, the nation has mostly been ruled by a series of despotic dictators of the classical African flavour that we are all to familiar with. You know, there are so many theories out there, from the the liberal lefty's "fault of the colonial masters centuries ago" to the opposing racially undertoned ultraconservative view of a "Haitian vodoo pact with the devil". I consider both to be extreme and misleading and although based on some degree of historical truth, they do not point to the real reason why this country can be considered a failed state, and the primary reason we see such devastation in the wake of a natural disaster that would have a comparatively marginal impact on other disaster prone countries like Japan or even Turkey. Since its founding, Haiti has essentially failed to set-up a a stable and successfully governing state with effective and responsible administrative capabilities that can provide security and all the multitude of element a modern society needs to flourish and prosper. The products of good government do all the things that help prevent what we have seen occur in Haiti in the aftermath of a natural disaster. The question is, why? What is the true and real reason why this country, as so many others in particular regions of the world has not been able to produce a stable line of leaders who love for their people what they would love for themselves? There are dictators whose style and right to leadership may be unacceptable and even downright brutal, like those of the middle east, but it only seems to be in certain nations of sub-Saharan Africa that this despotism degenerates to the greatest extent into a kind of wretched, blood-lust which seeks to gain at all costs, however gruesome and heartless it may be, with no regard for fellow man at a national or even human level.
Some unsettling clues are offered by a Ugandan in Why Black People Have Remained Backward and by Abraham Lincoln. Warning: for mature audiences only - others will only get hateful and angry, frustrated at the facts that disturb their politically correct delusions!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Race Assumes Central Role in New Orleans Vote
Race Assumes Central Role in New Orleans Vote
A prominent black candidate’s decision to drop out means the city might elect its first white mayor in 32 years.
The New Orleans Tribune, an African-American newsmagazine
Did they find any Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-American newsmagazine to quote from? Of course not! Such a magazine would be branded racist.
Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America
Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!
“It’s always about race,” said Lambert C. Boissiere Jr., a former state senator and currently the city constable. “I don’t know why we dance around it.”
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
The more white Israelite people try to ignore the issues of race, the more race will get in our face (Daniel 9:11). It is in the best interests of every race to SEGREGATE NOW.
The Plain Truth About Race And Responsibility
Red flags flapping furiously in Europe
By Roger Helmer MEP
The so-called Yellow Card, and the so-called Orange Card, mocked by Roger Helmer, sounds as inane as the color-coded terrorism threat advisory scale "Homeland Security" toyed with for awhile.
Isn't the Lisbon Treaty deviously designed to alter, without the consent or vote of the people, anything, at any time, the elitists elect among their closeted selves in Brussels, Berlin and Rome?
Doesn't the Lisbon Treaty empower a virtual dictator and sidekick in Europe's theater, ready to storm the world stage in a new crusade to enforce peace through strength, Pax Romana, obedient to the oracles of their Pontifex Maximus?
There may be no red card, but the red flags are flapping furiously in these fascist winds of change.
Watch for closer public collaboration between the Catholic Church and European State.
The Lisbon Treaty forges an empire, an emperor and an anvil for war!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
MLK Day is a dishonest black holiday
A more worthy and honest holiday would commemorate Lee and Jackson, among others in this "Generals Month" of January, based on facts and not fables and feelings.
If we're to be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin, why continue to demand quotas and curves and tolerate such racist organizations as the NAACP?
Why doesn't somebody do a documentary on those humble folk marching back then (with their useful idiot whites, too many liberal Jews) with a split screen exposing "niggas with attitude" (a black phrase), the rampant crime, outrageous rates of illegitimacy, unemployment by choice, gangs, welfare projects, black on black violence (not to mention assault on others), the "menace to society" mentality (another black phrase, thanks to excellent director Albert Hughes), disproportionate black prison population and the verbal lynching concerned blacks suffer mercilessly when they dare speak out against such inexcusable poverty of the spirit and moral degradation, slavery to sin and self-destruction?
It is appropriate on this black holiday (and that's what it amounts to, in all honesty), to consider this issue of race from a biblical perspective that those horribly brainwashed by the politically correct cult hate with a passion and rage against in vile anarchist fashion, drowning out any reason and voice other than their own. Regardless, this biblical truth must be shared, must be made known, while we still have the freedom to exercise our God-given rights of speech and religion.
Is interracial marriage wrong? Did God intend for the races to be separate? Did God divide the nations, segregate the peoples, to preserve distinct family ties?
The plain truth is made known in Race Matters.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Israelis should practice apartheid - it's biblical!
In an essay in The Nation, Henry Siegman, a one-time leader of the American Jewish Congress who jumped to the think-tank world, plays the apartheid card against Israel.
The Arab-occupied dismembered parts of the Jewish homeland known as the "Palestinian" territories are Judenrein by demand and yet the world ignores such apartheid? Both the United States and Israel acquiesce to such irony (remember Ariel Sharon?) and expel Jews when Israel would do well to expel their sworn Arab enemies, as Meir Kahane courageously called for saying they must go - reminding the nation of the Law of Moses that instructs them to enforce peace through strength.
Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways
Not only do self-hating Jews and Israel-bashers expose their woeful ignorance of the facts on the ground in Israel, they reveal a disturbing lack of education when it comes to apartheid as formerly practiced in South Africa before the ANC communists and terrorist Nelson Mandela were empowered to destroy the nation.
How Evil was Apartheid?
Pathans and British-Israelites
by Hillel Fendel
( Experts at the National Institute of Immunohaematology in Mumbai, India believe a large group of Taliban Muslims might be descended of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel – and an Israeli rabbinical expert agrees.
Israel’s government is partially funding a genetic study to establish if there is any proof of the link, bringing an Indian expert in DNA profiling and population genetics to the Technion in Haifa. The expert, Shahnaz Ali, will be supervised by Israeli genetic research expert Prof. Karl Skorecki.
Rabbi Eliyahu Avichayil, who has dedicated his life to seeking out descendants of the Ten Tribes and bringing them to Israel, says he does not need or trust genetic testing for this purpose: “Rashi’s explanation to Jeremiah 31, 20 implies that the way to identify the Ten Lost Tribes will be via the Jewish customs that they maintain – and in this case, there are many of them.”
Click here to continue
How can they have "Jewish customs" if they've lost their identity? The "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel" lost their identity because they lost the seventh day Sabbath and festivals and dietary laws. Those who maintain any semblance of "Jewish customs" are more likely either descendants of Jews or converts to Judaism - not Israelites.
Joseph isn't Jewish!
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The birthmarks of fulfilled biblical prophecies include, as the Sabbath-keeping Church of God groups* and the Jerusalem-based Brit Am Israel organization teaches:
According to the Bible ten out of the twelve tribes of Israel split away (1 Kings 12:19), formed their own kingdom of "Israel" (1 Kings 12:20) and were exiled by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:18). They forget their identity (Hosea 1:9, 7:8; Isaiah 49:21) and became the Lost Ten Tribes. In the future they will re-unite with the Jews (Ezekiel 37; Isaiah 11:13; Jeremiah 3:18) of "Judah", but until then they have a role of their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (Deuteronomy 33:13; Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be the richest (Genesis 27:28, 49:25; Deuteronomy 33:13-16; Hosea 2:8), and most powerful (Numbers 24:8-7; Micah 5:7-9) nations on earth and to control major international strategic bases (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60). All of these points together with numerous others show that descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes can only be found amongst Western Nations, especially the English-speaking ones.
There are exceptions to the rule. The Pathans are believed to be numbered among the Israelites in the East as the British-Israelites are located in the West, Israel in the Isles.
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
*The United States and Britain in Prophecy
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy
Monday, January 11, 2010
Nazi Muslims disrespect Jerusalem and the Western Wall!
#3. To: mcgowanjm (#1)
When do Palestinians get the same right at the Wailing Wall?
First, why promote the BIG LIE of "Palestine" or "Palestinians"? Secondly, the "Wailing Wall" (the Western Wall) is not their holiest site like the Temple Mount is to Jews, and furthermore the Nazi Muslims disrespect Jerusalem and the Western Wall. Go educate yourself.
Benjamin Netanyahu: "The right of the Jewish people to its holy place - the Temple Mount - cannot be questioned...I believe it is necessary to arrange for Jewish prayer on the site, especially given that we permit freedom of worship to all the religions in Jerusalem...". And his office charged Palestinian officials with "disparaging Jewish holy sites and threatening potential worshippers" (in flagrant violation of Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places and the Oslo Accords). His deputy director of communications, Michael Freund, responded to the PA mufti's declaration of war (that Jews "...must absolutely forget about having any rights over the Temple Mount...the Western Wall is just a fence belonging to a Muslim holy site") by saying "these statements are repugnant and they betray a contempt for Judaism's most sacred sites and beliefs. They are an affront to history and insulting to Jews everywhere." - Dangerous Ideas?
Western (Wailing) Wall for Jews by Turkish Decree
Palestinianism exposed