Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Obama's failure to bow

Obama's failure

Obama's Failure

Some folks claim that President Obama kissed the Saudi King's ring. There's no proof that that happened. It could be that he just bowed obediently to the Arab ruler without kissing his ring. Click here to see a video of the embarrassing event.
Your thoughts?
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

The Gentile president usurper Soetoro/Obama represents a curse upon our White Israelite nation. Manifest Destiny still rings true even if the forces of evil are out to silence its liberty bell.

Soetoro/Obama, the fraud and foreigner (and the bastard should be considered that unless or until he proves differently by showing us his long form birth certificate), raised a Muslim in a Muslim country and indoctrinated for years against the United States of America and White people in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred, feels greater affinity for Nazi Muslims than for our British Israelite and Jewish brethren and wants to see us all bow before the nations, the tail wagging the dog, like dhimmis.

May justice be served and the president usurper history, with the United States remembering our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly, so help us God.