Sunday, March 21, 2010

Summary of "Crush the Obama intifada" vigil

Summary of Gush Etzion "Crush the Obama intifada rally" last night, Saturday evening

Close to 200 people came to the Gush Etzion intersection and thus answered the call by the action committees to come and protest the latest wave of Arab violence. "Crush the Obama intifada! Enough stone
throwing! Stop the building freeze against the Jews" were some of the slogans

Among the public figures who arrived and spoke were: Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Gideon Perl, Rabbi Zvi Rimon, Rabbi Yaron Durani, Rabbi Avi Weiss from the USA , Dr Amiel Ungar, Attn Elyakim Haetzni, Oded Revivi, mayor of Efrat, Malachi Levinger, mayor of Kiryat Arba.

In addition, the female resident of Tekoa who had been wounded by Arab stone throwing a few days ago, also was present among the demonstrators. She had just left the hospital the day before after being operated on her arm.

The messages of all speakers were crystal clear:

We will not stay quiet when stones are being hurled at Jews. Arabs who throw rocks at Jews intend to kill Jews and should be dealt with accordingly.

To the Prime Minister of Israel the message was: Stand firm! Don't capitulate or cave in to Barack Hussein Obama! The people of Israel are strong and will stay strong even in case of US sanctions against Israel.

A person who showed immense courage was a resident of Neve Daniel who told the crowd about her experience a few days ago when she was stoned by Arabs on her way from Tekoa to Neve Daniel. After the stoning, with her front windshield smashed, she decided not to flee but rather stopped her car in the middle of the road thereby blocking the road till the army arrived. She turned to the Prime Minister and demanded he provide her and all other residents with security, to enable her to go to work.

At the end of the speeches the crowd went down to the street and started to march towards El-Arub to prove our independence and our determination to continue walking freely everywhere. The police were surprised by this, but could not stop us, for we were many people. After marching some 500 meters towards Hebron we turned back. We had made our statement.

The organizers of the vigil announced that this is just the opening event. It is clear that in case of further stone-throwing, we will not stop at quiet demonstrations.

For pictures by Rivka Ryback, Yossef Hartuv and Women in Green please click on:

To read Sharon Katz's blog and see the Voices magazine video clip about the vigil please click on: and

Shavua tov,

The Judea Action Committee and Women in Green

For more details: Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380